Monday, February 5, 2024


I don't think old age is as bad asI thought it was going to be. As a matter of fact, I sometimes find it to be fun. Everyone thinks you're crazy and they're probably right. I was thinking about an incident that I remember happene years ago in California at the farmers market in Los Angeles. There was an old man who drove a car straight down the middle. There were articles for days talking against old people driving cars. Now remember, there are many wrecks that happen each day by all Americans. But suddenly the focus went straight to old folks. The truth of the matter is that there is some truth in this. 

I was driving one day and suddenly I noticed people were blowing their horns at me. It took me a very short time to get over that. The problem with old age is that you truly are forgetful. At least I am. It is not as if things are gone forever, It is that they are not there when you want to use them. The afterthought is in the past. This is why I'm looking forward to the presidential debates. I think I have done a good job of staying out of politics until after the 2024 elections

  I see so much that make me angry and I try my best to keep my mouth shut. Is hard when you see people spending your money that you earn on something they want to do. That's how I feel about what's going on overseas concerning money that I worked for. Why are we in Ukraine? Why are we in? All these other places overseas taking care of problems that should be gotten rid of at home.  I'm home everyday and I get phone calls certain times of day and it tells me exactly what's going on. The phone starts running rapidly in the evening time after around 6:00 to 8:00 in the evening. Most people have been married understand this pattern. Most Americans couples spend time together after dinner. Now what I'm hearing is that this time is now used for the husband to earn extra money. This is when the calls pick up. What's new? Women are also working after hours.

I believe our leaders are forgotten. The fact that the divorce rate in this country is very high. In many cases I believe women are trying to supplement her income. To make matters worse, think about the many black people who can't even afford a place to live many times. Let me take that back, I heard today that there are 107 black colleges in America. Black people spend over 100 billion a year in this country. There are many black people who are millionaires. I sometimes forget that you got to pick and choose. What is truth as far as the news media? Their goal is a convey failure or black people around the world. This is white privilege at work. How can there ever be equality and truth as long as this evil is in place?  Black people in this country have given everything that America has ever needed in order to make it a better continent. No one is willing to give us credit for anything. In the same point I will speak for the Native Americans. ("who happen to also be Afrians") We were so indoctrinated, that we believe that Indians lived in teepees, wore moccasins, in South Dakota, in the winter time. This is an example of the power of white privilege lies, 

If you happen to have white skin any lie you tell it's supposedly be believed. This is why I am not a religious person nor am a group thinker. I love to use my own brainpower. People will tell you anything. I can understand this. I am no different. I don't want to be bothered sometime. I don't put my mind in what people are saying to me. I think we all have a little bit of this in our personalities. As a matter of fact, I think we all have some of each other in each of us. I believe that this is because of our backgrounds and culture. 

I often think about how we are told to hate each other and then when it benefits the racists we are called racist. So? Who cares about who is a racist? My issue is not who is a racist but who practice racism. People have a right to like or love whomever they want. This is just another way that the white privilege uses in order to keep controls of the minds of American people. One thing for sure, it doesn't take much common sense to see that the software that is used in order to write with is very much involved in trying to keep racism in place or to identify with certain zip  however, it doesn't matter, they are exposed and people are aware. The racist of the world never expected the internet to be afraid of bullet. They have lost control over the microphone. Therefore, they have lost control over the messages.

 As the late fanny May Hammer said " I am tired of being tired" I believe that black people are tired of being tired. I think the races have forgotten the civil rights movement. If there is a reason, black people will come forward and support each other. If I could be a a party to this effort I would be right there.  Unfortunately, I'm too old. As I said before, I believe that it is time to start a new civil rights movement against white privilege. 
There are so many things for us to wonder about. Since I love to think I enjoy using my brain. I love strategy that is not too time consuming. I'm going to write a book one day about my different theories. Maybe I will start tomorrow.
Thank you guys!

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