Saturday, February 17, 2024


September, 23-2021

Dear Ms Smith, 

This letter is to confirm the assistant and advice I have provided in your case, and to confirm that your file will be closed in 2 weeks, if you do not decide to follow the resolution I have obtained for you. As you know, you contacted our office concerning the funds that should be available for you to draw on your reverse mortgage. You are one of a few reverse mortgage borrowers who have had their loan for such a long time and have not yet exhausted the available line of credit funds, however, because the balance of your loan has grown to be more than anticipated at the time the loan was originated, the long balance is now far more than the amount of original newly listened in the security deed. Accordingly, HUD, as the owner of the loan, has refused to allow you to draw any additional funds. 

I research the terms of the loan, which anticipates this type of event and the solution. Under the loan agreement, you sign, when the balance of the long grows to be greater than the amount in the security instrument, the lender (here HUD,)  require you as the borrower) to sign an extensive agreement to increase the amount listed in the security instrument. The purpose of this is to make sure that HUD (as the lender) maintain the security interest in your property against additional advances of funds on your line of credit.

Because this is an unusual circumstance that has not been dealt with before, I had to do a lot of advocacy with HUD, and prepare an extension agreement on your behalf to submit to HUD 
as the solution contemplated the signing of your loan agreement I discussed with you the solution I was proposing and my efforts on your behalf. Hud, finally agreed to the extension agreement. However, when I met with you to review and sign the agreement, and in follow up conversations since then you have indicated that you are not willing to sign the agreement.

As we have discussed, the reverse mortgage contract contemplated this signing of the agreement and your refusal to do so means that HUD will be justified and continue to refuse to make any intentional advances on your line of credit. I urge you to cooperate with signing the agreement, as you promise to do so when you sign the reverse mortgage. The extension agreement does not change anything else about the terms of the loan, other than your ability to again make draw request on your available credit line. The extension agreement on the confirm. that's a reverse mortgage on the property will continue to grow to be more than the amount of $157 500, as original listed. I chose a new maximum amount of $ 450 Rd,000 as a high number to allow for continue growth of your loan balance and your additional draws on your credit limit, in order to to give your loan plenty of room to grow so that you don't run into this again. 
Signing the extension agreement does not change the balance of the loan. I sincerely believe that signing this extension is in your best interest, and would not recommend that you sign it otherwise.


As we have discussed, your refusal to sign this extension agreement (which you promise to cooperate in doing when you sign the original reverse mortgage document) Will undermine in the future claim you might want to raise against HUD in this matter that you make in the further. 

In our last conversation, you and I discuss all these points, but you still stated that you would not sign the extension agreement. As a matter of principal. I urge you to reconsider, so that you can draw the remaining funds that should be available to you on this mortgage. I will keep your case open for 2 more weeks until October the 8th, 2021, in the hope that you may change your mind. If you have not agreed by that date to move forward with signing the agreement, then there will be nothing for me  to do on your behalf and I will be closing your file. Once your file is closed, the documents are information will remain on fire for a period of 7 years after which they will be disordered to protect your security. 
Sincerely, R Racheal Scott.


Reality is, I bought and paid cash for my home.
I have many documents to prove this. 

HUD will only respond that they provided the  extension agreement as required by the contract, that you refuse to sign in breach of your promise to do so, and that they are not required to disburse any additional funds to you due to your refusal to corporate and doing so. 


Do I now understand Donald Trump and Joe Biden?  I am thinking that they both have an identity problem. Are they aware of evolution? Are they aware of where their DNA came from?  According to my knowledge in research on both of these people, they seem to have the same attitude about the white privilege skin game. I am thinking that they are both racists. Did Donald Trump have so much hate for black people until it was satisfying for him to jail innocent black men?  I am thinking about the incident in Central Park where he was willing to see victims go to jail because of their skin color?  What kind of evil is this? Is his goal to keep white privilege in place so black people can do for the racists what they refuse to do for themselves? Does he know that his DNA comes from the continent of Africa? 
 Did Joe Biden know that there is more crime committed by white people in this country than there are any other? Did he not know that immigrants cannot vote in America? 

Today, I listen to an old Donald Trump television appearance with his news conference and I heard him when he said, “I want Russia to RELEASE the 35 thousand Hillary emails. CNN News reported that he said he wanted Russia to HACK the emails. This is a complete lie. This is another example of how the American racists use their power to do whatever they want.  Is this because a code for racism in America is a guaranteed for those with titles or white skin? Is this the white privilege mother of racism?

  Here is another example of how the media lie to control the people, there was someone asking the question "Why does Trump avoid his daughter Tiffany? The reaction to this leading suggestion is that he makes different in his children. Whether we want to admit it or not, I believe that at sometimes depending on the situation than most people have lied. The point I am trying to make is that it's such a waste of time to deal with liars, sycophant, and xenophones.

How would anyone know how much time Trump spends with each of his children to compare the difference? My point in saying this is to show how you can say anything you want to if you have white skin and get away with it. I am no fan of Donald Trump. But my bizarre logic helps me see a part of his personality that would be good to stop Hillary Clinton from putting bases all over Africa. It turns out that I was right. The first thing he did as president was referred to Africa as an a****** continence. If I'm not mistaken he removed the troops out of Africa. Please correct me If I am wrong. America has lied on minorities for over four-hundreds. America pushes these false misconceptions each second of each day America is teaching us that all black people are bad.

The racist media pretends that there is a need to remember the victims of the people who the police murders who have said that all police are not bad.  No one bothered to correct this lie.  There are few of us who question what we hear. As I have said many times, I am not a group thinker. I listen to people and learn a lot but I make my own decisions.  The rigged media is not getting the results that they want from many people about Trump and Hillary, so they take the lead to indoctrinate the weak minds. This makes me angry.  I like equality and justice.  I see this as  white privilege. I am against both Hillary and Trump, but I resent CNN and MSBC attempt and others with mind control. They want Hillary and any thinking person knows this. 

I am tired of this evil white skin title inequality. I think that all people should be treated the same way. I don't care if you are president or whatever if you do something wrong or title should not stop you from going to jail. I don't care whether you're president or priest. The question is why would you preserve a name except for the reason to leave a crack in the door for more entitlement security. This is something that no one has except white people.  I have always said that Trump was an intended sure in for Hillary. This “Trump joke” got out of hand, because Americans cannot stand to talk to anyone who understand, or experience the extent of American's racism.   

There are two reasons that Donald Trump should have never been in the count enough to be in the primaries.  Had Hillary Clinton gotten off her lazy behind and gone to the rally that she missed, she would have kept him out of the primary. This would have stopped Trump before he got as far as he did. Another thing that I was very angry about as far as the Democratic party was concerned is how they did not do their job in exposing that Trump was giving  farmers in the West as much as $125 000 not to farm. If the Democrats had done their job that would have been exposed and everyone would have known that Trump did not receive as many votes as the news reported. There were three candidates and as far as I could see they were all basically the same. These people love to talk to black people who stick to their talking points. The racist love their made '"negros". 
The racist like comfort with their cruelty. After the designing of this sickness, the question the question that the racist then ask their victims if racism now better. Racism is evil.
There is no better evil.  And may I remind Americans, as far back as Nat Turner, he was arrested and taken to jail after murdering over 50 white people. Black men could never get away with that today. Most black men die in this country today with their hands in the air or shot in the back. This is why it is very necessary to stop racism in America because it is getting much worse. The planet can no longer afford another 400 years of this evil. I realized the extent, and what this cruelty does to black people. People suffered pain doing the days of enslavement such as branding babies. But now black men get killed for hitting a dog. This is why I don't like spending time talking about particular issues. I have experienced enough to not want to waste time discussing separate incidents with known liars. It is time for us to call it by his name. The goal of the racist, and the name of the evil is White  privileges. 

Nothing will speak louder to me than their attitudes against a black woman (me) not receiving money that the government has stolen from me. This is blatantly obvious when you thinking about the terms of the contrast behind the attitude when a white person is involved. The truth of the matter is, racism has always been right before our eyes. All one has to do as watch some of the old television shows in the '50s. Notice how the lessons from the TV shows at that time are mostly about white people? Contrast that with shows about black people such as Amos and Andy. This show projected total buffoonery. Fortunately, I can always contrast my case with that of the late Russ Limbaugh. It seems to have never been a problem against him, writing seven books and earning 70 million dollars a year before his death. Americans racist system use the media to give him the entitlement and white privileges. With this evil system there is always the ability to do anything you want because you know there's nothing going to be done against you if you have white skin. This welfare check in the hands of any white person with the title or degree can be cased anywhere. It is not always limit to racism. There are many white middle class who have been caught up in the same catastrophe. Inflation is now placing them in the position where they have had to join the poor.

Meanwhile, to add insult injury in my case, racism in America is so blatant until I am supposed to be dumb enough to think that I bought and paid cash for a home and it does not belong to me. HUD has a lot of allies to shield them from this racism. They are allowed to change my name and take my house. They decided that I am a  Borrower instead of a Buyer. In spite of the fact that I have been passed from person to person within the government for over 33 years. Not one elected official has come to my aid. How many millions of other black people who have suffered the same fate. Racism is designed to protect this procedure by simply asking the poor person to get a lawyer. Who can afford the lawyer at 200 to $400 an hour? American owes me millions of dollars. There are many paper trails to support this. The a records show how the people in this country think that black people should not have the same finances as that of the white privilege. There is also evidence that HUD took out insurance on my home where I was paying for it for the insurance and they were the benefactors. How many African Americans are not victimized by this kind of conduct from the white privilege each day?

I remember how upset the American people would become when black ball players would earn millions of dollars. I am not in sports at all, but I certainly heared this complaint many times over the television. It never made any difference with them that there was always white people on the other hand receiving more financial gain then the ball players was making for them. As a matter of fact, racism has always been right before our eyes and we are so conditioned to accept it until we ignore reality. Just looking at television from years back notice how all the shows were about white people. Was this not a lesson within this design? ("The following information is out of context"). I don't know how to copy it and paste it in the right position. I was talking about the elections of the past and how they were stolen.
The Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump election.
 I would have preferred. Bernie, but he also had a big problem. I never understood  why he accepted the fact that the Jewish people should receive money each year from America, but black should not have reparation. Americans like to talk to black people who will "Stay in their place." This is a sickness of racism in this country.  They have a sadistic, perverted belief that black people are chattel or children and despise a black person who they do not think is willing to submit. The supremacist belief of “Smart white skin,” is parasitic entitlements, and a need for welfare. $4 billion each year would go a long ways for black people in America and in the diaspora. None of these people have ever started world wars like America and the Europeans

Moreover,  anyone who stands in the way of this sickness is treated like a child; and then expected to apologize for speaking a belief. This is very insulting. Who has the right to expect an apology from one who speaks what they believe? There are so many things that's going on in this country that I am angry about. We see our country providing concerns with the welfare of many people who have never paid one cent of tax in America. Meanwhile, it is highly accepted when young black men who are incarcerated or sleeping on the street cannot find jobs. To make matters worse, this is all by design. I have learned so much from my experience until I understand things I never knew before about this country.

If this is not bad enough I would love for the Democrats to tell me where are they when I am refused money from a home that I bought and paid cash for.  Government entities ignore the fact that my civil rights are being violated. 33 years later I still haven't gotten the money that is owed to me 

people listen to the televised Media for news,  and then become mind controlled like sledge dogs. 

The news media manipulations and indoctrinate minds to fit the desired message that they want people to believed.  American racists are cowards on the subject of racism. There is nothing that is feared more in this country than truth and white African identity exposure.  These people face the greatest component that is found with insanity. They suffer from self identity and  denial. It is very important to these people to maintain the “race” lie. This lie is used to protect the parasitic welfare white African. 

They like black people who follow the known talking points, and continue to allow peace with evil racism. Americans have controlled the minds and taught hate for so many years that they accept any lie that they are told as truth. These people are the same liars who tell us that they discovered America. The oldest war the world has ever known is the war against the minds of Africans. 

Anyone who may have followed my writings from years ago know that I have always been interested in commentary. My dream was to debate the late Russ Limbaugh. When he died this man was making 75 million a year. I have decided that I will place some of my document that my followers and I have on the internet as a storage for records. I found this necessary to find help and trying to recover the money that is owed to me by HUD. Perhaps is the only way that someone will believe the racism that I have experienced and trying to recover what belong to  me world. As an American citizen, my civil rights are totally being violated. This problem has been going on far too long and it's really causing a hardship from my losses. It also demonstrates how intense the hate for black people are in this country. I have been posting for 32 years trying to get the Justice department 
 to enforce the laws that should be available for me also

In spite of the fact that there are many different government agencies that owes me money, what make me angry is that I am paying for wars to help keep racism in place. White privileges is nothing but racism. I will ask every time I get a chance. How can we ever be free as long as this evil system is in place? After 33 years of this question I would think I would have gotten an answer. The only answer I want at this time is that is the disbursements that the shown on all of my monthly statements as far back 1993. owed to me in this country. The excuse that they are using now is that they don't have evidence of me paying tax. This is not true. I have receipts from FedEx, and the bank that disprove this accusation. This contract that I sign had nothing to do with the state of Georgia, 

I have not been paid one dime for other people making money on advertisements and loss of many investments that I would have made if I had the funds that was due me. I can show a paper trail of me as an entrepreneur. Every document that has ever gone through my hands will be left on the internet for the world to see how intense racism is in America. Up on my death I plan to leave every thing I have to all the black news outlets around the world. My favorite question is, are we too ignorant to be embarrassed for thinking that the people believed in smart white skin? 

There are many things that the American people are not aware of. I have been talking about things that go as far back as American online. I was young then. Today is my birthday. I am 91 years old. I hope that most of you live long enough to understand that at this time of your live It does not matter. By then, you're a life. Experiences will be so solid that you will know,  that you know,,what you know. Wisdom will dictate this reality.

I think about people like Janet yelling and all the white people in the world with these high paying positions. Am I helping to pay their salaries? I have no respect for their possible lies. I too have lost all need to believe a liar and my presence when there is a motive for lying. The motive is simply that these are people who want everyone else to do for them what they don't want to do for themselves. This is the behavior of any common bum. So now my question to voice people is simple, If you are the representatives of the bourgeois , I think that you should be aware that you are about to become a member of the poor and the middle class. I believe that this country is about to become so braided up until we are going to have to cut loose with scissors.

I have never targeted  the West as a listening audience. My goal has always been to help the helpless. Unlike we have been led to believe the majority of the people are not in America. They are not Europeans. Also, because of my experience with the many lies that I have been taught, it is a waste of my time to talk about the many things that we all know that occurred from racism. I am thinking that this was a big mistake that Americans made around the world. I am thinking that they have self-destruct. I am thinking that it will not matter what person or party that's put in office in this country because people are so angry. American has presented itself as predators looking for prey. I am thinking that most people are tired of this notorious group. I believe that we all basically have the same problems. We are struggling to survive. Perhaps this reality will force us to get rid of the insanity of racism. 
Therefore, I believe people realize that there are things much more important than the stupidity of something as ignorant as skin color. We now have a problem of trying to save ourselves from the loss of the planet. This all comes from 400 years of greed and cruelty. Arrogance and ignorance have prevented us from facing the reality that there is a continent that has been ignored. Unfortunately, we pretend that the only concerns that we have would be Russia and China. The truth is that I believe that Africa is going to emerge as a world leaders. In my research today I found out that there. Another very important country that's left out of the conversation is North Korea. Have we heard of (EMP) electric magnetic pulse?  Are we forgetting the conversation that Trump had with the North Korea president? Remember when Trump was talking about the big button? Do we remember how that conversation died down. It appears that North Korea does whatever it want to regardless to what this country thinks.  Did I hear the other day that North Korea and South Korea are now talking togetherness again. 

When we look at all the things that's going around the world now we know that we are in big trouble that cannot be tucked away. At this point of my life, whatever the cost is, it is worth it to me if we get rid of the system of white privilege cruelty. The problem of white privilege can never be solved until we have a quality for everyone. It is time for the people of the world to stop the lies. Let's face it folks. It is very possible that Africa might become a world leader. Those of us who have done deep research. 

Realize that Africa has always been the leader in technology. Science, philosophy, medicine... Africa do not need the world. The world needs Africa. I don't believe the youth on the continent will stand by and allow the raping to continue while people are hungry. As I have said I have never targeted America for blogging. I am interested in writing for the majority.  Reality is that the majority of people in the world are in Africa. I found out today that there is 1 billion 216 million Africans on the continent in the year of 2016. that has been 7 years ago. Why are we not aware of how rapid the youth is growing on the continent of Africa? This is an example of how frightening it is to Americans to face the reality that is possible for Africans to be come the world leaders. This is also why I say that it will not matter whether there is a Democrat or a Republican who is elected in 2024 in America. 

I believe that people are so tired of trying to earn a living that they are ready for radical changes. I believe that Illuminati, and the other two world leaders (I cannot think of the name of the others.) Have brought this problem to the floor. Will the people allow the next leader to stay in office? I don't believe no president will be able to mandate laws that were allow them to violate the Constitution of the United States and civil rights bills. I have also found out that there are things that I never thought would ever be in. 

My vocabulary is very familiar now. I never knew that there was a real court that offer reciprocity to any country who might run into confrontation and need allies. Consequently, unlike we have been led to believe this causes America to be vulnerable to rules from others, reciprocity is expected in order to have allies when needed. The United States government has always painted itself as the big bad boy on the block. Evidently reality disputes this. 

I am going to continue to do more research on many more things. In case of my death, I am thinking that Africa will remember the civil rights movement in America with so few people. There are only 40 million black Americans. Although we did not benefit fully from the civil Rights movement, there are programs in which I benefited from that allowed me to upgrade my education. 

It is now or never to save the continent of Africa. We are very aware that what's going on in Ukraine is an attempt to keep white privilege in place. Americans are fighting for people that have never pay tax in the United States. My goal is to leave every penny that I may earn from my books music,  etc... there are many details that has to be worked out concerning my decisions. I will continue to sign up with all the black news media as I said before. America does no longer own the microphone. I don't believe that they will be able to hide things such as all the contributions that blacks have made to the world. There are three different organizations that I must talk to and order for us to work out the necessities in order to make changes. I believe that there should be no borders.  I have a contract with HUD that supposedly  earn me 12% of compound earnings, plus one half of insurance that divided between me and HUD to make sure that her does not take any losses. This contracts goes back as many as 32 years ago 
This is why I decided that I'm going to let the people of the world decide how fraudulently Americans are when it comes to black people. The racists in this country has always done anything that they wanted to do to a black person and they knew that there wouldn't be no consequences behind it. 

I believe in treating people the way they treat me and others. I believe in the system of reparation plus taxation. I Have always noticed how much emphasis that the races in America places on a dead person if it happened to be one with white skin. I think the same rules should be applied to black people.  I found an old book there was published years ago.  The title is the history of violence in America. It is found in the archives of the New York times. This book remove any doubt of racism in America
 of the book is A black person is murdered in any city. That city should be taxed higher for any product that is made in Africa and use within that jurisdiction. Black people around the world have had this sort of condition applied to them Anytime something happened to a white person the news media makes sure that everyone know you must pay a price. I believe that the same consideration should be allowed for black people.  If a product that goes into hair dye comes from a plant from Africa I think that the  hair dye should cost more. I propose reparation tax. I believe any less actions would be rewarding the white privileges for more entitlements. I am thinking that this would leave the door open for another round of racism. There are many things to discuss on the subject. Perhaps the next international convention should be held on the continent of Africa with only the presidents from each country allowed to attend. Remember, according to my research, Africans were not invited to the last international convention. 

I believe that the middle man should be removed from all negotiations that's made in Africa. The big difference is even if the racists pay twice he is still getting away with murder.  The amount for every black person that is dead is still allowing white privilege. Most products that's made anywhere in the world eventually will have to come from Africa. Another goal that I have for Africa it's to open up a brain bank. Technology in Africa started before the internet. It started with the Africans in America. Sending money back home known as remittance. This was done without the internet highway. These are the kinds of things that America don't like the world to know about black people.  An African, whose name is Philip EmeghalIi open up the internet highway as we know it today. When America will talk computers they would show the picture of someone like Steve Jobs.  Plagiarism is a very important tool that the racist has always used.

 How many people have heard of the remittance system that started in Africa before the internet? When I think about it, that is going to be my main goal is to write a book telling the truth about the contributions of black people to the world in spite of racism.  This book would summarize discussions about white supremacy. This would exposed the design of racism.  

Has anyone heard of the inventor of the cell phone, The transmitter in the telephone, the figment for the light bulb... Truth will destroy all possibility of white supremacy. My experience in America have lead me to know how well designed that racism is in America. I am thankful that Hud has taught me that it doesn't matter what political party that you are in. I am now wise enough to know that my concern is that I don't trust either candidate or party to believe anything each of them say. I have been victimized enough by HUD for me not to trust another 400 years of the same evil. keep the funds that I made in my investment with Reverse Mortgage .  

How can I trust HUD to keep a promise when they have nerve enough to take out insurance on a home that I bought that they should have never touched except for one half of the insurance that was available to make sure that they didn't take a loss. I was supposed to pay half and they were supposed to pay half. That was the only money that they should have taken from me. Remember, I am the buyer, not a borrower. I had more than $100,000 that was supposed to grow at the rate of 12 and a half percent plus one half of the MIP I realized that a loan must be served and that's was how it was supposed to be, HUD has me paying insurance to two insurance companies, with HUD as the benefactor.  I am supposed to owe a balance to six of their hired loan services.  I am putting all my monthly statements on the internet for the people to figure out if this is blatant racism?  My constitutional rights are being violated. I am unable to earn a living On the internet you will find papers to prove that I have complied with every request they have asked from me. Both of these are documents of proof comes from FedEx.

How do they dare go around the world talking about democracy in other countries? In addition, I am supposed to owe each one of them a balance. The message that I am getting from HUD is that anywhere they see of Dr someone's signature in this person happened to be at homeowner they can become owner of that home. It would not matter if it was a priest if he happened to leave his name somewhere and hudd wanted the property,  all Hud would have to do is claimant it. 

Please do not forget the power that's found within racism and white privilege with the zip code law. Why does anyone need to know an address in order to do anything of concerning kindness for the helpless. 

A good example of this, I was once in need of a wheelchair and home health. In some neighborhoods in Georgia, the doctor would come to your house if you were incapacitated. The zip code determined whether you were eligible for that service. It's so happened that I had friends that was living in different zip codes and I and they always seem to have been able to get things that I could not. If you really want to see how racist this state is, please notice the pattern of my loan statements. I am writing a book based on different government agencies where fraud and racism is found in America. All of my works are shared with my followers, family and friends because of my age. My goals are to make sure that there are no hungry people on the continent of Africa after my death. There are details that three directors, and 3 black news outlets will work on. I am very concerned about young black people having jobs that live in the diaspora also on the continent. 

I am especially concern about young people who are in jail in America for just being black. Unlike the lie that racist Americans tell the world about African Americans, This government brought in drugs and planted them in the neighborhoods of zip codes for where black people lived to make sure the young people were hooked on crack cocaine. Reality is that only the white man had the means of flying drugs from overseas and bringing them into those communities. Contrast this with fentanyl and cocaine . 

This country's spends billions of dollars to stop white kids from being hooked on these drugs. This is why I don't like to talk about this issue because cruelty is endless.  Black inmates in jails in America built all the government supplies that are needed within States. Is the system designed to keep a force of enslavement in America?  African Americans have never been free. The only people in this country that have ever been paid for slavery are the slave owners who receiverd reparation for the loss of employment from the people who were enslaved. When have black people in America ever been free from enslavement? Are we to believe that all these presidents in the past and future are not aware of what was happening to black people in this country? 

American has nothing against the fact that black people in the diasporal and on the continent of Africa are paying to keep racism intact around the world and other countries. Young black men are still serving time for things they have not done. They are used as slaves to build furniture in California, do hard label around the world when in the military. And anything that's degrading to the black man. The races are still holding Africans back so they can catch up. I believe that this kind of ignorance and arrogance is going to be the downfall of the system of racism as we now know. I think mistake is that they forgot about the internet. There are no longer in control of the lies that they have told in the past. That's a great weapon for the races to lose. They have conquered the world with lies. Perhaps 
I shall/may be there when this occurs. However, I will have accomplished my goals.
White privilege has allowed people with entitlements to be in a position to never be able to pay back what they have taken.  When we talk about reparations, there are billions of dead people that cannot be repaired. Perhaps this will work,. Are we forgetting the Europeans and Americans held people in slavery for over 400 years?  Are they not under aware of the danger of another 400 years? Can you believe that I have heard arrogance and ignorance from the words and justification with the fact of white people are not the only ones that have had slaves, as if they're fighting to continue this brutality? Are they thinking that  this is something that should be accepted? Has anyone noticed that àt the end of most commercials, you'll find a white face 90% of the time in place where the money?

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