Friday, February 2, 2024

I am glad to hear people on the internet talking about kind things. I hope this is what I hear. I think that we have long come to the conclusion that one of the greatest needs for us all is survival. the growth of the world will never occur unless we're truthful to one another. I will be grateful if there will ever come a time when we have no need to pretend that we're perfect. I believe that we all share a little bit of each of us. I can never remember the name of the psychologist who said you can experience my behavior, but you cannot experience my experience. He was so right. this is the one thing that sets us apart as unique individuals. There are many things that have happened to me in life that brought me to be the person that I am today. I am thankful for those who have contribute to that knowledge. I believe one of the greatest gifts that I received was from both of my parents. I was always aware of the love that both of them had for me. I saw the sacrifices that they both made for my survival. I had nothing to do with this. I saw it as a gift. I am also thankful for the fact that I later was lucky enough to have the needed experience to be my person. Consequently, I have never been a group thinker. As a child, I was taught to be very independent. I believe that this lesson helps me now with my interaction with others. I try never to be a mercenary. I would rather give than to receive. I have found a lot out lately because of research. I plan to post as much as possible concerning us all becoming aware of our government. I never want any one else to experience what I have with an agency that I trusted and was totally blind folded by. I have had a hard time trying to articulate to anyone the complexity of my case with HUD. I have always known the danger of the white privileges system. But until you have experiences the struggling from financial loss it would be hard to understand. I have proof that when I had more than a million dollars that was owed to me, the discussion I had with the people that I was supposed to be trusting was about food stamps. There are many paper trails written by employees that works for HUD to support my claim. The other day when I was doing research I found that the assistant attorney general Jack Smith talked about how we all should be treated the same. I am 90 years old, and in less than 4 days will be 91. I am a black female who has lived in America all those years. I am far too experience with racism in this country to falsely accuse agency as huge as HUD unless we, my followers and I could back it up. I am sure of the fact that there are plenty tools within the American government to check and see when truth is told to them. American probably has the best spy system than any other country? between our cell phones. and things like "Hey Goggle" I am well aware of the predator prey technology.

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