Thursday, December 21, 2023

Why are we spending so much money in Ukrine while peoplei in Ameica are hungry? Does it always come back to racism and greed?

I have been very consistent in all my writings that my goal is for the betterment of humankind. I then ask the question, why is it so hard for the people in this country to sign up for solidarity, against hunger among the least among us? As much as I would like to say that I am free from beneath the pile of papers that I have a need to find myself, I am not. I hope that I continues to keep every documents that is mail to my house concerning busines. I am a victim of racism in this country. Consequently, I have divided evidence among my family, friends, and followers. Everything that I have ever written, there's a paper trail to support my messages. I have noticed that the older I get the more cautious I am about things. I was both careless and lucky when I was young. I would walk with my purse open sometime, not anymore. I believe the time will make people like me realize that things do happen. Here's an example of something that made me the way I am. I once had a friend to go to Africa and he was killed while he was there. A tree fell on him. 
 That has been a great lesson to me in life. What if he had had another sip of coffee before walking out his door? Perhaps he was still be alive?.  man should have the freedom of livelihood, the right to education, and free speech. However, the people of the United States have been taught to be so visual that we bought into the skin game. 
  This has destroyed the minds of the people of this country. We I are all taugh the smart white skin lie for over 400 years. This evil is in place to preserve the white privilege. How can we have freedom as long as brutality is in place, I have asked this question for many years of my life. I have hope that someone will correct me and tell me I'm wrong. No human being should have to sit in jail in America simply because he has black skin. Unfortunately, this is truth. People in this country worry more about what's going on in other parts of the world while ignoring things under our nose. I despise cruelty. My greatest hope for myself is to continue to know that I'm not absolutely anything. I would like to think that I have an open mind for things that I've never experienced, there is a lack of empathy that causes us all a need to look in the mirror. I see most of us as sycophants.There is also a lot of xenophobia in this country. The problem I'm having is I'm paying for this insanity. People often ask is racism getting better. Reality is, there is no better evil. 

There are many different things that we as Americans do not like to talk about. Denial is a necessity for the weak.  It serves as an a pacifier for liars. At some level, I believe most of us will resort to denial when it fits our needs. Lately I hear a lot of talk about Russia and China being a threat to America, guess what? Africa is very much important to this conversation. May I correct myself? Africa should be a part of this conversation. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think that things are going to really change as far as racism. People are suffering too much to care. anything about the skin game. Since it is obvious that our leaders don't know what's going on, I don't think it's really going to matter what party or president is elected in the 2024 election. I don't think I would take that job if it was given to me. I think it would be dangerous. These young people are not going to stand by and see their world destroyed behind some greedy old people. Do you blame them? I don't. I feel the same way they do. I believe that they're tired.  As I saId, I do a lot of research. I have lately found exactly how important it is to this country to not educate the people. No one has a question that in America. especially if you're black. You must know what's going on around you in order to survive. 

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