Wednesday, January 3, 2024


I have said many times that the system of white privilege is the mother of racist hate. The greatest enemy for this evil is truth. There was an old song from years ago, Accent the positive, omit the negative. This is the design of white privileged racism. I was thinking about something that I heard on the news the other day. There was a man on the internet telling the world that this was going to be the last day for digital currency.  He knew that this was not true, but he also knew that there would not be anything done to him for telling this lie.

 I have come to realize that this is white privilege at work. No other people could have gotten away with this unless they happen to have had white skin. This is the kind of experience I have had to make me know that the  target to the world's problems are white privilege entitlements. It must be stopped. What give anyone the right to think that others should do for them what they don't want to do for themselves. Let me change that, I believe people should think whatever they want to but the question should be what give them the right to be able to implement this cruelty?  This is my definition of bums. These are predators who have a need to always look for prey.  For over 400 years, the people in this country has taught us all many lies. 

No one can Tell the truth, and say that we were not all taught to hate each other. The game of the white skin is to keep as many complexities in with simplicity as possible. Anything that can be done to keep people confused is always at play. All the evidence that's needed to prove this Is written by the racist. In addition, white privilege allows many advantages for selected people in this country. When there is a title connected with the white skin, you can write your own ticket.  

Unfortunately,  for the predators this could not continue because of their greed. Another problem is the internet. In spite of the fact that when we talk about anything concerning computers, the system of racism show the face of a white man. It's so happens that the person who opened up the worldwide well is an African whose name is Philip EmeghalIi. I have seen the news media talk about the internet while showing The face of a white man. 

White privilege is such a petty game. It is girly. And what make it bad it said it's getting worse. I am so sick of this ignorance that I am thinking about doing something to help in any way I can. My posting on the internet has been consistent for over 30 to years. I have always talked about humanitarian type issues. This is one reason I always wanted to be a writer because I had no time to deal with people who knew less than I do. I understand that this works both ways, but one thing I can do is acknowledge that there is a lot that I can learn from other people. I can also acknowledge when I'm wrong. I do not get angry with anyone for disagreeing with me. And I never speak absolutely. I am human.

Moreover, when you are people person, things come from your heart. 

 Also, people are aware that they have been used.   When you're dealing with a lot of people, you never know exactly where information is going to come from. I learned this the hard way from one of the government agencies that has fraudulently stolen money from an investment that I have with reverse mortgage. I have gone through so many traumas in the past 34 years trying to get funds that I invested and earned. When you speak of 400 of indoctrination, that is a long time. I am an African born in the United States. Consequently, I have had to be aware of many things that others never had a reason to think about. I have always loved to debate. One of my lifetime dreams was to debate the late Rush Limbaugh. I have had to learn my civil rights, words like reciprocity, pocket vetos, and much more. I have asked for many years for someone to explain to me. How is it possible to have justice for anyone as long as white privilege is in place? I am still waiting for an answer. My experiences have taught me one thing about the racists, Their response to questions is no response. They love to ask questions but never think they should answer. History can take you as far back as  Mansa Musa from Mali Africa, and you will see the same pattern. The racists
 pretend that they knew exactly how many people that was in the caravan that went to Egypt and gave away so many coins that it broke the country. No one would ever question this If you happen to have white skin. White privilege allows the racist to tell any kind of lie they want, and they know that entitlements will protect them. In most cases with the right credentials, these lies can make you into billionaires. No problem.

 A big problem has occurred because there are many poor white who are struggling with the poor.  These were once people that was known as the middle class. They are now very angry. I believe they feel betrayed. They have been used as a gatekeepers for organizations such as Illuminati, the trilateral commission, and the 1%ers.  Unfortunately for them, arrogance is going to cause destruction.

 All one has to do is be at home all day everyday and listen to the fathers and husbands come in from a job and use the phone to try and earn enough to feed the families. This group of people used to be the country club crowd. They can no longer afford this expense. Their children are not going to private schools, because they can no longer afford this. I believe that the next thing we're going to see is a breakdown in the family structure in America. There are many single women in  America at this time. I read the other day where New York City is accepting as many as 1200 immigrants a day. If I am wrong please correct me about the amount of people who are coming here. Yet, We are making the same mistake that was made during the Vietnam era. Didn't we notice that? Landon Johnson did not run for a second term based on the  pressure from the people. I have talked to many Africans on the continent and African Americans who are in agreement with starting a new civil rights movement. I agree. America has been very good at hiding things from the people until they get a feeling of how an incident is accepted. We hear the same news repeated over and over during the daytime. Listen to Roku 24 hours each night. This is when you hear the truth. This is also where you find all the criminals. A mistake that Joe Biden made was thinking that black people were the criminals. I invite him to listen to Roku. This logic is in place to control the minds of the American people. After 400 years of teaching the same thing would'n you think that we all would be racist? Who cares? The issue is not who is racist, the issue is who practice racism. The whole world have been taught to be haters of people with black skin. I am proud that the Africans were wise enough to live and fight another day. America built a reputation of being the baddest boy on the block.  The tallest tree in the forest will someday fall.  This will also be true in this country. There is an issue that's not discussed concerning Africa that America and the world will come to realize that it was a mistake to ignore. No one wanted to include Africa  when we talked about China and Russia, people can accept them coming together as world leaders. But hate for black people has been embedded in the minds of people for so many years until I am expecting, and thinking the worse. 

As I have said many times it is such a waste of time to speak about something that you know is based on nothing but lies. So at this point I would change the conversation for now from anything about racism. 

Consequently, I think I am now ready to put aside all my past problems for a while and find the many other things that I would love to talk about. I love archeology, food, clothes. I think it is a good idea when you write, If you are like me you write about the things that you love to do. I love outdoor life. I like the idea of survival. I would love to have a gagger counter in order to search for coins. This would be fun because it require a lot of walking. One thing I am not, I am not a sports fan. There is one exception, fishing. I think I love archery. I would love to go hunting but not to kill anything. I don't think I could do that. It's funny how much you can change. When I was a child it wouldn't bother me as much to kill a frog. I could no longer do that.  I like anything that's adventurous. I like to move. I think I would like to explore too. I love shopping in thrift shops. I now love to read.  When I moved to Georgia, the expense of my books was $8,000. I am so glad that I brought them. I was looking up a legal question the other day and guess what? Everything was right there for me. I think I'm beginning to understand a little bit better on the culture shock that I'm into at this moment. I just realized that's exactly what it is.  

I noticed that the hardest thing I have ever tried to find is information on the Bill Of Rights. This is also true when I looked in the books of children who often come by. Here I go with my politics. Why don't we have books in all schools that teaches things such as more than one language? 
 I think American children should learn about the civil rights bill. There is a reason for this. (Here I go with white privilege again.)  They want the people to remain ignorant. Just for keeping control to divide and conquer. The new conversation from the American races is artificial intelligence. I see this as just another door to keep the system of white privilege together. My goal has always been to invest in a brain bank in Africa. The races has hidden something very important from everyone about to contributions of Africans to the world. I am now reading a book about the black congressman in America and how hard they have fought in order to get inches of freedom from the people in this country. All one has to do is think about the lies that was told about the "Native Americans" We were taught to believe that it was a white man who came to this country and build all the cities. 

These are the kind of lies that keep me from believing anything that is said by the Europeans. These lies can be traced to their own paper trails. I totaled up on this years ago as a child. This is why it' is  no time for minutia. 

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