Saturday, March 23, 2024

 Here is a book with a confession from the real crime syndicate in America. It was written by the criminals.

Let's talk. 
Is there an inflation design to preserve the benefits for white privilege? I believe this to be true. Here is an example of an experience that I'm a victim of. I ordered checks from bank of America. I was expecting a box with many checks. Unfortunately, this is not what happened. I received 30 checks all total.  I remember in the past that you would receive a box of checks. I would definitely this is not true anymore. It is almost as if it's three worlds richest people have told us we need to cut back on what they allow us one half of 1%. My many years of experience with racism in America causes my antennas to go up very fast because of  a life time of trauma. It turns out that I am not the only one in my family who have experience the same thing. Are these big institutions involved with a white privileged grab? This system of hate has taught the people in this country that they can do whatever they want against black people and little will be done to support justice. These people are so sure but nothing is going to happen to them that .…they have become almost like a crime syndicate. Perhaps they're right. One thing for sure there is not enough jails to jail all of them. But what our leaders don't know is crime is rampant among internet criminals. They are taking complete advantage against senior citizens. Most of them will tell you the same thing that this is the last day to apply for something and the next day they're repeating the same story. My question is why don't our leaders know this? Don't be surprised if you see stimulus checks. 

 I have been told so many times to get a lawyer. How many poor people can afford $200 per hour attorney fee. Depending on which one you're talking to. Anyone with any empathy could understand how draining it is to go through this kind of thing for so many years. Thank goodness that I have written a lot of books. Perhaps with other black organizations and people around the world will come together with solidarity against racism and white privilege. I am hoping that this will include all of our leaders. I am ready to start a civil rights movement regarding my experience and traumatic Iosses. I think it is time for all of them to take off their suits and grab a hoe.  I am thinking that the awareness of a future crash of the American economy is causing desperation from the white privilege. I listen to many experts on the subject of the condition that Americans are about to face concerning wealth. I am very concerned that it seems as if we are returning to another round of slavery. It is obvious that the goal of these people is to have others do for them what they're too lazy to do for themselves. This is all built into the American's system of hate.  

I listen to many economists in America, such as John Meashemier, Ralph Wolf, Tom  Byleu and many others. Deep research will reveal that most of these men are billionaires. I often agree with what some of them say.  But I noticed that they all seem to have one thing in common. They are all dismissing Africa from the conversation concerning the world's problems. I am thinking that they live in the world of fantasy. Reality is that Africa is the only continent that has his own collateral and more raw material than all others. But somehow, none of them are able to think African. Here is one thing that I think that these experts should realize. Africans are not likely to roll over and see a repeat I have another 400 years of enslavement. Africa  has plenty of young people. The only thing that will happen is that it will continue to grow in population. The continent is large enough to feed the world. After 33 years that I've been victimized by different government entities, I fully understand how racism is kept in place. When I think about it, a better word is greed. You know the strange thing with all these different professionals, who were white people, none of them ever mentioned Africa as a player in the future. I think that that this is the worse thing that can happen to America is to learn that Africa is going to play a role in the diaspora. Remember the occupied Wall Street movement? In my research today, I found that here in America, Bill Gates is buying up as much land as some countries own. If I am the owner of land I would like for it to be used to plant food. There should be no one hungry in the world.

Have the American people notice Africans are aligning up to be with anyone except America and Europeans? Have the American people forgotten that Africa have real collateral and can buy defense? How many people remember Trump talking about the big button before he went to North Korea. Have we forgotten how that subject was removed. Are the Americans awere of EMP (electric magnetic pulse?). I have read that with this technology that the conventional weapons cannot leave the ground. As I often say when you're dealing with liars, you never know when you're wasting time with lies. I realize that the problems on the planet is concerning us all. 

I also understand that it is not just limited to people with black skin. It does not matter because the goal is always about theft. It appears that we're thinking about sliding down the same old road of enslavement in the name of skin color. This deception is used to divide and conquer. It turns simplicity into complexity. When people live on the level of survival, there is little time for them to spend with fighting every issue. The white privilege groups are very well aware of this. It all started as far back as George Washington. Every Pesident and Politicians are aware of the disparities between black and white AmericansThis abuse has been copied worldwide. With my experience with human kind, it is nature of many to take advantage of any gains that they can achieve that will enhance their living conditions. It doesn't seem to matter if I want to or not, I am force to support America white privilege regardless.  Unfortunately, for me, this is exactly what's going on. The white privilege has allowed entities in this government to prevent me from my human and constitutional rights. The way this system is set up às if you happen to have white skin or a title you can write your own check. Therefore, the damage that this can cause is not limited to black people. There are many middle-class people who are caught up in the same losses. I'm afraid that the American government is not aware of just how angry people are. Many times I looking for àp sorry for them. What makes matters worse is one thing that is said that I definitely believe is that it is stress that kills many Africans.

This is not just limited to black people. There are many poor people from all ethnicities who are refracted in the same way. None of this is by accident. in, this is the problem that I have with capitalism. This is a system that put profit before the lives of human beings. I will never be convinced that there should ever be any one in the world that should be hungry. Perhaps I am right, it's time for some of our leaders to remove these suits and grab some seeds; pitchforks; hoes; and wheelbarrows. I believe that any crack that's left open for white privilege is going to be another round of 400 years of enslavement across the world. Reality is, and by their own words, the American racists have traveled the world looking for predators, and prey. I am thinking that the importance of the skin game is not going to be relevant. There are so many other things going on that people are forced to live with. I'm thinking that our leaders has open up a crime syndicate as far as white privilege goes. Individuals with white skin feel safe that nothing is going to happen to them when joining the crowd of criminals. I think evidence is seen with the many people with high positions who feel safe with  joining together with the crime that was committed against me. Why would so many professional people put their credentials in jeopardy by joining a criminal network? The answer to this is very simple, they knew that there were too many for them all to go to jail and white privilege would protect them anyway. The next question I ask about this network, why would they put all this information into a book? In both cases the answers are the same.
I am thinking that the mistake that being made is that our leaders fail to know what's going on in the rest of the world. There are many different countries that's trying to collapse the dollar. Reality is, that everyone on the planet is going to need something coming from Africa sooner or later. Does this give Africa lots more power than we want to admit? The next problem for America is for the first time black people around the world are exposed to the internet. This thanks goes to an African named  Philip EmeghalIi. He is a person that is responsible for removing in-house communication to the internet highway. I don't believe that the arrogant racist in America stop to think this thing through.

Did it ever occur to us that people around the world were not as stupid as the American government taught us to believe? I am also concerned with what will it do as far as the  politics in America? Does this put America in a position of not controlling the 2024 election? Will this force both parties, and both presidents, to try and buy votes from one another?  Will they offer another round of stimulus checks from both parties? Is it possible for us to explain to the world our fake democracy?  Why are we spending so much money taking care of people in another country while there are people in America who are sleeping on the ground and cannot get a job? This is not limited to only concerns with skin color. This reality is picking up the middle class who often happen to have white skin. Consequently, this can causes the majority of people around the world to have control over the count of votes in 2004. Unlike we have been taught, Americans are not the majority of the world's people.  There are trillions of questions, and piles of evidence where people can see the contradiction that have been made. There have also have been many lies, and lives lost because of  greed from the capitalist. It does not take much to keep the average person satisfied. Somehow, our leaders forgot to lead. On this point, I agree with Americans accepted economist. 

My belief is that there may be other stimulus package before or after the election.  I may be wrong. But one thing for sure there will be a reaction before or after the election by the people. I believe that the reason for this is the level of denial that we have lived with for over 400 years of smart white skin is going to cause a big problem if there is a loss with their hold on this teaching. Believe me, it is not just the poor people that this is affecting. I often feel sorry for some of the calls that I get after working hours, perhaps after dinner time, for the husband or boyfriend are trying to make extra money. This is not just limited to men. 

There are many single women in this country. But guess what? It is the black woman who is doing better than any other group. A deviation from the subject, I also heard some statistics the other day that surprised me. I heard that the divorce rate is lower among black women and white men than it is with any other couples in the United States. Sadly, in my case I have come to be skeptical about everything I hear in this country. Once anyone pick up this book that I'm putting on the internet, reading it, and study it, we'll find how much we have been lied to. We will also learn who the real criminals really are. The next realization is that it is in the words of the white writers. It has nothing to do with anything that I have said. It is about what the racists have always known.  Here is a point that I often think about. Why are we still insinuating if there are races of people. What has happened to change the reality of us all having DNA from Africa? What will Trump and Biden do when they find out they have African DNA? The answer to that is that they already know it. 

This is why if there has been so much hate against Africans real wide. The white privilege realize that the greatest threat to their criminal activities is truth. Unfortunately, in many cases this lie has been perpetrated so many years until they want to believe it. Have they forgotten about the ex and why chromosomes? Not so long ago I saw video of Trump visiting Africa. If I am right, he had a smirk on his face. We have always known what Biden feel about black people. Have we forgotten how he defended Clarence Thomas. He joined the Republicans in helping him being appointed. I have already spoke about him and his doom, doom, statement. To paraphrase him, he said we are doom, doom, not just because of black people but because of a decline in the white race. Did he forget that black people are the group that put the last three presidents in office? I believe that America will be forced to realize that Africa is one of the few continents that has collateral to back up the dollar. Africa also has enough collateral to hire an army. I think that this country is going to find out that there comes a time when there's a need to deal with reality and the denial pacifier will not work. What bothers me more than anything else is it how this country use power to not only deny it African Americans they're civil rights, we were forced to pay for being oppressed. Our tax dollars have gone to pay for wars to keep white power in place overseas, to bring white people into this country, and to commit genocide against our own people. Speaking of genocide, I remember when African American took a case before the United Nations. 

They refuse to look at it. Consequently, I have no faith in the United Nation. As a matter of fact, I am writing a proposal that I'm sure will reach the continental of Africa, with hopes that the Africa reciprocate in kind. Perhaps it is time for a conference to be held in Africa where only Africans attend. I believe in treating people the way they treat me. Is it time for some reciprocity? I also believe that unless the American races pay more for anything that comes from the continent of Africa it would be unjust. The reason I believe this, as with everyone in the world we have had to pay for crimes that was committed without privileges. For many years I have noticed how much emphasis are put on anything that happened to a person with white skin anywhere in the world. I saw a case not too long ago where a man and his son was lost in the woods and they sent a helicopter into pick him up. I don't believe this would have happened at this been a black man unless someone that had a big title and white skin would recommended it. I I think that the poor people in this country from all ethnic backgrounds becoming aware how this is forcing them into a different category. As I said before, the budges of joining the poor. What does this say for the upcoming elections after 2024. This is why I agree with some of the American leading economist. I am well aware that in this country there are different standards for people like me. I am not supposed to have an opinion of anything concerning politics. There is a record that supports this. This record go all the way to the Continental of Africa or anywhere if there are policies being suggested that are different than what the racists in this country want. 

My goal is to make sure that everything that can be said about America is made aware to the youngsters and Africa. I would like for my books to go in all classrooms so that there will never be another African youth to try to leave that continent and come to a killing field for African American. I also want to help young people black people in America. I have lately seen how acceptable fraud is practice against the healthiest people in this country.

One of my books is about the evidence that my family, friends, and followers, contributed to fight fraud. I have a contract with 107 pages written by HUD, with no signatures of anyone except me as a purchaser and the two sellers. This evidence exposes the awareness by all the actors acknowledgment of fraud. All one has to do to put a bow ribbon on criminal activity is to take a look at the monthly statements coming from the state of Georgia. Would anyone believe that Georgia has them department for fraud? Incidentally, the contract I signed earns 12 and a half percent compound interest. This that has been in effect for over 33 years. American government owes me billions of dollars. It is time for the world to join together against this kind of injustice. Contrast my experience with the late Rush Limbaugh. He was earning 75 million dollars a year at the time of his death. He wrote 7 books in his lifetime. I have written over 100. He was never denied anything because of his skin color. My entire life was stolen from me because of poor education by design. All I want from America is every penny. They owe me on paper. This is not to mention personal damage. Let's talk. 

I am not an attorney, and I am not dumb enough not to have an attorneys watching over whatever I do. But until we can work out all the details, my followers and I are discussing the fact that I plan to leave every dime that I earn on my books once they've been edited and ready for the market. I am discussing this to protect my wishes in case of death so the world will understand that my heirs are the people on the continent of Africa. It is up to the Africans on the continent and African Americans to come together and protect what I am leaving them. The only person that I can mention now by name is Phillip Scott of Houston, Texas. Mr. Scott has made no commitment to me whatsoever. This is true because he is already established and has a podcast. He is already in the eyes of the public. The other people I have in mind I must get their permission first. My concerns it's that Africans never again lose their identity. I would love a research center that is better than anything that the FBI have. Let's Talk. 

I was reflecting on the level of racism in this country the other day. Think about this. Black people spend over 800 billion dollars a year in America. We are being forced to pay for a war that has nothing to do with the suffering of us in this country. When Joe Brian spoke about crime, He said, "we are doom, doom, doom. Not just because of black people but the decline of white Americans? Does this mean that he was saying that black people committed more crime than white people? This certainly is not true. Did he not know that bringing in immigrants that they could not vote in this country?  He has said many times that he is a capitalist. Does this help the poor people in this country who are with out capital?

If Americans really want to get rid of racism,  it is simple. All one has to do is tell the truth. Here's a brief run down on reality, The oldest human skull that was found in Africa 195,000 years ago. The first mining was 43 thousand years ago. Evidence of the first meth was found 43,000 years ago. Mitochondrial DNA from Africa gives lives to all modern human beings. Both from the x and y chromosome. For people like buying and Donald Trump who talk about mixed races of people, we were all mixed in the same bowl in Africa. Has anyone read the writings from Elizabeth Khan? Stephen King. I ask Google about the study of mitochondrial DNA and they use white privilege. I just tried hey Google. I got the impression I received a desperate attempt to steer me away from truth as far as I could get. These people are desperate. This is what I talk about when I speak of white privilege. This group has used entitlements to keep hate in place for over 400 years. I am so proud that it was the Africans who solved the problem of hidden truth. When America get serious about stopping racism, it is a simple task. Stop using the false word "race" This word is socially construct. It is time to come to the table of truth.

We are about to complete the book on the contribution that African Americans have made to America. I wouldn't make a bet that if Africans would settle for $100,000 to get out of this country that American racists would try their best to stop them. Remember what happened when black people tried to leave the south? Of course you don't because you're not as old as I am and the racists don't teach history anymore. This is why I would rather be segregated for the sake of young black children. Think about the fight that's going on in Texas now to keep their children from knowing about the cruelties that is committed by white America against black people. 

I am tired of tokens and insults. I am always happy to see someone advance their careers but it does me and all my people not a damn thing? I need no one to validate who I am. Some of my followers are writing proposals to compile in a book. I cannot wait to read it. My second goal is to invest in a brain bank in the existing technology schools for young people in Africa and continue P2P Technology. I know how smart that young people are. If they have the right training they will excell in everything. I never want to know of another black child suffering the same fate that I did. I want every African American child along with children on the continent to have the right to free education. I want education for perhaps all black people in the diaspora also. Let's talk. I was denied proper education and not being able to develop full mental growth as a child. Have the Africans forgotten that they were sending remittance home 50 years before the internet was available for the rest of the world? 
The racists will try everything possible to separate blacks from each other. Did anyone think about the fact that when someone is hard on a job in America that all their inventions and contributions to the bosses become property of the company? My question is, how much did black employees contribute to the making of things without getting any credit. This often happened as high as government employees. I am thinking that this is what happened when I tried to contact The department head at HUD.

I wrote the Secretary of HUD congratulating her appointment. I am sure she never receives the letter. The response that I receive was a do not reply. I did not write the president. I certainly understand that it is impossible for the department heads to know everything that goes on beneath them. However, I would like to think that I am as an American citizen that my welfare should come before the people overseas. Am I to think that I should put the protection of people who have never spent one dime in this country before my own personal welfare? Is the American government using money that they owe me to help support the wars and Ukraine? Why Is my money going for killing other human beings for things I don't believe in. All I want from America is every penny they owe me from every direction. I bought the home and pay cash for it. Why do I have so much evidence of the money that's being made from this home divided by so many different people who claim to be a loan server.  I have no need for loan service because I have no loan. Plus,
This book contains the confession of the crime committed by white people. I have helped on to this book for many years not knowing why. One day from nowhere it came to me. This book exposes in the words of the white Americans how much awareness they have with their criminal activities. They also know if they can tell any kind of lie and if they were back each other up. I was thinking about my problems with HUD. This experience go many different ways and pick up a lot of criminals in route. One thing for sure they are on code with is a system of white privilege welfare entitlements. If you are interested in cruelty that you would never think about read this book. It is found in New York Times archive. Like with most things, it depends on where you getting the information from. In one article I read, White people commit 20% more crimes in all others. The only difference is that they don't get arrested. And most of the time as they do we have to pay the bill them out. Think about how wealthy Darrell Wilson became after he killed Michael Brown. Is sickening how they took that child's life and lied on him until the news Media waited for people to forget the story. This would have never happened to a white teenager. When a white person is shining this country is because they have a gun aimed at the police not their backs. This is known as white privilege solidarity for racism.

If I do nothing else in life, I would love for it to be inspiration for young people in Africa, The United States, and all other black faces in the diaspora to be inspired and join the move of solidarity against white privilege entitlement. It is time to realize that you are the master of your own brain. Never allow another human being to operate his business from your head. Remember, if you have brain activities set a goal and go for it. 
I'm paying for MIP insurance to make sure that HUD experience no losses. I have a contract with 107 pages on and no one bothered to sign anything.

 Why was I removed from the contract that I signed? Is it time for the president and all of us to sign up for a civil rights movement against racism and white privilege after the 2024 elections? Isn't it time to get rid of this evil once and for all? We have had over 400 years of racists cruelty. Isn't it time for us to sign up for solidarity with kindness? I believe HUD expose their criminal activity by not signing a contract where they are holding money that belong to me. ZIP code racism is all over this case. I am denied my constitutional rights to be able to earn a living plus many more infractions.
HUD rename me from buyer to borrower. This is like you buying a car and pay cash for it when you get home you discover that someone else's name is on the contract. I was removed from the 1993 contract. Why? The legal aid attorney admitted the money is owed to me. It's as if a decision was made that they were going to use white privilege and hold on to it. To make matters worse HUD took out two more insurances. I'm paying for it and they are the benefactors. I have all of my long statements that go back 33 years. Each one show how the fraud was committed. It also exposed how many professional people were ready to put their careers on the line to support what they knew to be criminal. The only problem with that theory is that they are so use to doing these things and getting away with them because they knew that they were safe. How can there ever be equality as long as white privileges in place?


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