
I certainly am not a Trump fan nor am I a Hillary fan. My point in speaking about these issues is that to understand better of how we as American citizens are forced to believe whatever the white privilege say to us. All one has to do is listen and you never know what to believe. This is why at this time in my life I don't target Americans for information. It would be such a waste of my time to try to point out the trillions of different lies that have been told to us as victims of indoctrinations. Let me first make my point about Donald Trump.
I now understand the Donald Trump problem, he does not believe in evolution. He has an identity problem. He does not know that he is an African. Today, I listen to him with his news conference and I heard him when he said, “I want Russia to RELEASE the 35 thousand Hillary emails. CNN News reported that he said he wanted Russia to HACK the emails. This is a complete lie. Here is another example of how the media lie to control the people. there was someone asking the question of "Why does Trump avoid his daughter Tiffany? The reaction to this leading suggestion is that he makes different in his children. How would anyone know how much time Trump spends with each of his children to compare the difference?
The sad
fact is that this opinion is accepted as truth. America pushes these
false misconceptions. Each second of each day America is teaching us that all black
people are bad and have lied on black people for over five-hunderd years... Now here is an example of Hillary. She is a war -hawk. The Middle East is an example of this. Had she became president the racists would have had it made. I believe the first thing she would have done was placed bases everywhere that she could in Africa. This is the reason that Gaddafi was murdered. Gaddafi was a very humane leader. Remember when he offered the people in New York free gas? Remember how American rejected this? Remember when he came to this country that he had to sit up tents? The main point I am making is that we allow the white privilege to lead our minds around as if we are children or chattel.
America has lied on minorities for over five-hundreds years.The racist media pretends that there is a need to remember the victims of the people who the police murders who have said that all police are not bad. No one bothered to correct this falsehood. There are few of us who question what we hear. The rigged media is not getting the results that they want from many people about Trump and Hillary, so they take the lead to indoctrinate the weak minds. . This pisses me off. I like equality and justice.
America has lied on minorities for over five-hundreds years.The racist media pretends that there is a need to remember the victims of the people who the police murders who have said that all police are not bad. No one bothered to correct this falsehood. There are few of us who question what we hear. The rigged media is not getting the results that they want from many people about Trump and Hillary, so they take the lead to indoctrinate the weak minds. . This pisses me off. I like equality and justice.
I am against both Hillary
and Trump, but I resent CNN and MSBC attempt at mind control. They want Hillary
and any thinking person knows this. I have always said that Trump was an intended
sure in for Hillary. This “Trump joke” got out of hand, because Americans
cannot stand to talk to anyone who understand, or experience the extent of
American racism. These people love to
talk to black people who stick to the talking points. Americans are very arrogant and they love being around black people who"Stay in their place." This is a sickness from
the racism in this country. They have a sadistic,
perverted belief that black people are chattel or children and despise a black
person who they do not think is willing to submit. The supremacist believes of sick
white entitlements. Anyone who stands in the way of this sickness is treated like
a child; we are told that we should apologize for speaking a belief. This is
very insulting. Who has the right to expect an apology from one who speaks what
they believe?
The people listen to the televised Media for news, or lead, and are mind controlled like sledge dogs. American racists are cowards on the subject of racism in America. There is nothing that is feared more in this country than truth and white African identity exposure. These people face the greatest component that is found with insanity. They suffer from self identity and denial. It is very important to maintain the “race” lie. This lie is used to protect the parasitic welfare . They like black people who follow the known talking point, and continue to allow peace with evil racism. Americans have controlled the minds and taught hate for so many years that we accepts any lie tha we are told as truth. These people are the liars who tell us that they discovered America. The oldest war the world has ever known is the war against the minds of Africans.
The people listen to the televised Media for news, or lead, and are mind controlled like sledge dogs. American racists are cowards on the subject of racism in America. There is nothing that is feared more in this country than truth and white African identity exposure. These people face the greatest component that is found with insanity. They suffer from self identity and denial. It is very important to maintain the “race” lie. This lie is used to protect the parasitic welfare . They like black people who follow the known talking point, and continue to allow peace with evil racism. Americans have controlled the minds and taught hate for so many years that we accepts any lie tha we are told as truth. These people are the liars who tell us that they discovered America. The oldest war the world has ever known is the war against the minds of Africans.
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