I was thinking about the system of monarchy. I don't I like it. I believe this is the making of something much more concerning. Why are we ignoring the minds of human beings to talk about something as useless as
AI. What about P2P. Perhaps if we use this technology we could give Maxwell, from Zimbabwe a rest. It is hard for me to believe that the races of the world are aren't enough to tell this man that they that he need to allow the white privilege to tell him when he can use his invention. Fortunately, this man has the ability to shut down everything. The racist in the world can't face the possibility of a black man having this kind of Advanced knowledge. Why is there a need for us to always place certain people above others? I donot speak absolutely. However, I have enough personal experiences to believe that we all are probably some of each other as far as behavior is concerned.
In many of the books that I have published, I have written that I am not a follower. When I reflect on that statement perhaps I am.
It doesn't matter how much I think I know about what's going on in this country, there always seem to be something different that I missed. Consequently, I am always going to try and stay open for things I know nothing about. I think that my love for writing is making me into a coffee drinker. I can't wait to get that first cup of coffee in the morning time. I only have coffee one time a day but it is very strong. I love food. When I was traveling I would love to go to different countries and try their Foods. I was surprised at how much good seasonings can change the taste of food. For the first time in my life I can regulate my weight just as I want to. Every time I go to the bathroom I find myself on the scales. It sure has helped me be in control.
Unfortunately, I found out it's not how often you eat but how much you eat. However, I have learned how to control
my weight. I know people that will not go near Scales
I suppose I believe in reality too much. Notice how I can jump from one subject to another one so fast? Fortunately for me, this is one of my love for freedom. I have learned through my own personal experiences that is best for me to do what makes me happy. I am now old enough to not have any concern about what others think about me as long it is not based on lies.
In my lifetime, I have learned a lot from other people, I am thankful for that.
Before I graduated in the field of psychology, I had learned a lot from the experience of Living in America as an African
I learn a long time ago that when people don't understand things that they take the easy way out. Things that are complicated are often turn from simplicity to complexity. Unfortunately, this is the door that white supremacy
White privilege has hidden for over 400 years. These people want others to do for them with they are to lazy to do for themselves. Therefore they enter the stage with a system of insane cruelty.
We have had 400 years of forced cruelty with only one
goal. The goal is white privilege welfare. Therefore, there is always a need to travel the world as predators looking for prey. However,
Things have changed. For the first time white privileges are no longer in control of the microphone.
(My goal is to some day hire
Youth around the world to edit all my writings.).
At this time, I am using the internet as a Record Keeper with the awareness that there are many mistakes that need to be corrected.
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