Monday, March 25, 2024


My goal is to have a book about America in every school on the continent of Africa. I have over 100 books after my death that I am donating to all the schools in the diaspora with goals of all African children learning Swahili as their main language. I would like a school that will teach young kids every language that they desire to learn. There are so many details that's going to need to be worked out. I have great hopes that the people on the continent of Africa, and black African Americans can find a common project. I realize that many black Americans have been denied proper schooling by design. I would love to offer a chance for anyone who has ambition to be as educated as they would like. I would love to put my unpublished books on the market and see if they would generate enough income to make these ambitions materialize. I want an Enterprise to assure that black kids who want a job can always find employment.

 Africa has had P2P technology for over 50 years before the internet. This all started with the emittance from Africans working in America sending money home to their relatives. There was no internet at that time. I am waiting for the people to bring all the evidence together concerning exactly what happened to our culture. 

Never forget that it was an African who opened up the world wide internet. With deep search, you will find that African Americas put this country together. Don't forget that we spend more than 40 billion a year in America. I received an update today where it is over a trillion dollars that black 
 people spend in America. I was listening to the update from American's accepted economists. They gave me this information while talking about the problems that the Europeans are having. What happened to the money that was lost in the mint? This kind of behavior is typical of what is allowed in this country when you have white skin. If anyone else had done the same thing they would have been put under the jail. 

Is this money going to fight the war in Ukraine? Have we forgotten that the black people who live in Ukraine and the beginning of the war had to walk over 400 miles to try to get out of there because of racism? They allowed the white privilege to leave first. It turns out that Ukraine is very racist. How much more abuse can be tolerated because of skin? When will we find the truth? As a matter of fact, this is not necessary. The races themselves have documented and written in their words many details about their criminal activities. Racism has always been right under our noses. After 400 years it has became a part of our air. Reality is were not for the Africans there would be no mankind. In the United States, the races are known to murder black people and get away with it. They often die for things that they should only go to jail for. " We are tired of being tired". 

One thing I am sure of Is that the majority of black people certainly do want their children educated. I am a great believer in growth. I think that vocabulary is great contribution. I believe that the greatest horizon of knowledge is fastest advanced with words.  I think this give and increase brain power. I want to open a business in Africa known as a brain bank. Because of my own experiences as a child, I have a lot of faith in the abilities of children. I never want to see another child deprive of a chance to be as educated as they would like to be. 

My biggest problem is trying to figure out why would anyone object to wanting to be around the people who are progressive? When I think about it, the answer to that question, it is because of fear of reality. It appears that the white privilege fears competition. I am hoping that Africans on the continent and other places can work out some kind of system of research center that is the envy of the world.  As I type, I happen to look up and what's on my television screen. One clip is saying the end of the US empire. For many years the white privilege maintains the hold on the disbursement of information that the world receive. This is a new day. For the first time people from all ethnicities and speaking out on issues that concern them. Thanks goodness for the internet they are published and will be in place forever. What does this mean to white privilege? It means that the white privilege have have lost control over the microphone. Many people have issues with past behavior from America.

It may surprise many of you but Africa is the motherland of technology. 50 years before the internet became available people on the continent was using it for emittance from the United States back to the families and home. The 400 years of enslavement and plagiarizing with lies kept racism in place. I just found out lately that .black Americans have 107 black colleges in the United States. For many years after slavery, African Americans were much more educated than the southern white people. Reality is that most of the things that we have been taught in the last 400 years can be reversed. This is why we need deep research to make sure that all the truth is brought to light and expose the many lies that are told to the world. The legs to the chair for racism is based on plagiarizing. My hope is that never again will Africa be vulnerable to the loss of identity.

It is time for the racists Europeans and Americans to surrender the notion of white privilege to submit to the cost of abuse of people around the world. And stop the false you so the word race. We are all one people with DNA from Africa.  Some of my followers and I are writing proposals concerning reparation for black people. I am thinking that there is no way where the past can be rectified by the cruelty and abuse at a level of sadistic slaughter. I have a hard time thinking about reparations. This causes me a problem because I think in terms of the many billions of people who have been killed just for fun by this demonic behavior. The root word for reparation is repair. My question is how can you ever repair a dead man? I've been thinking about how much could have been done to stop this slaughter of other human beings. What bothers me most is how willing that sadistic xenophobes and sycophant had total lack of empathy for other human beings.  

When I do a lot of research, I have a hard time trying to remember where the different pieces of information comes from. I am having that problem right now. I'm thinking about how the white privilege have spread itself in so many different directions until it is hard to identify the problems. This was a unique design from the racists themselves. The first thing that stands out in researching is how many lies that the racist will tell on any given subject. I have often said, I have no time to deal with liars. It's a waste of time. However, the name of our common problem is  white privilege. It is not about skin color are bad behavior. It is about greed with the desire of others providing for those who are too lazy to provide for themselves.

This is why it has taken me 33 years to bring everything together concerning my case with HUD. If you want to see racism undress  itself. Follow the many government entities and they all act the same. I have learned the pattern and I can always know what they're going to say. The answer to that is that they say nothing because they all try to listen carefully to try to catch any kind of loose excuse to not do their jobs. This is especially true with the women. I hate for them to answer the phone because they always pretend that there is no problem that can be solved. Plus the fact, I have found that they can be so racist. I think they are worse than the men. Remember the Becky's and Karen's? I think about how they can turn their head to young black kids being murdered without any maternal instinct. Things are not getting any better.

I watched the results of super Tuesday last night.  I concluded from what we ended up with as far as candidates for presidents, America is in big trouble. I really don't think it's going to matter what party is in because of the conditions of inflation and the anger from the people. 
I don't believe that the leaders understand what's really happening in this country. I think that  people are going to go insane because the condition of everything is so overwhelming and I notice that crime rates are up. All those things are going to have to be addressed. Food and shelter happen to be human necessities. It's almost as if our leaders don't know this. When people are living under those kinds of conditions we can expect anything. These are things that cause nervous breakdowns. So this brings up another point. All these things are happening in America while we are somewhere else taking care of people in other countries, does this make any make sense?

We are denying people welfare that are helpless while taking care of people in other parts of the world. Why? I am thinking that it is to protect the system of racism and white privilege. Our presidency that he is a capitalist. Does he know that poor people are without capital? People are going to be suffering everywhere and it's going to be more problems than the world is ready to deal with. Yet we sit here like dummies and act like everything is okay. We can think about in history years ago in the 30s during the depression, criminals came out of the woodwork, from Pretty Boy Florida, to John Dillon, Bonnie and Clyde Mark Barker and more.

I suspect that when all these crimes start being committed is going to be by the white privilege. I would not be surprised at anything at this time. One major problem for America. Is the ability to ignore what's going on in Africa. I listen to all the news and read as much as I can in my spare time when I am not blogging. I heard the other day about how badly that some of the Africans are still being mistreated by the westerners. There is an embassy there that's run by Americans and the West, and the white people can get a visa to come to America with no problems. This person talked about how the Africans pay for the visa then go to the next process and they are told that they cannot get their money back. I just know that people, as they said are so angry at Americans about so many things. It's not a matter of putting fear into people. It's just that there comes a time when people have had enough and I can feel this.

To paraphrase Fannie Mae Hammer, I'm tired of being tired. It was very stupid for the American people to abuse some of the citizens like they did African Americans. Some of the things that I have read the races in this country have gone to people is less than insanity. Now they're struggling to keep their children from knowing the truth. Life is not like that. I Don't believe that anyone can do evil over and over without ever having to face the consequence. I think I read somewhere that this is from a study. I think what makes me so angry. I cannot stand bullies and cowards. If people are nice to you, why would you abuse them? I don't understand that. I believe in treating people the way they treat me. Black Americans have done everything possible to try to help peace in this country. There would be no America without black people. In spite of all the obstacles that we have had to face, all we have ever needed for space from low pressures and we will surpass them. Remember, we spend over 40 billion each year in this country.

There is nothing that makes the racist more angrier than to see black people excel. I have often used a contrast of Rush Limbaugh and his seven books. No one who can tell the truth could ever deny that America has not done everything possible to make sure that young black children are not properly educated. Moreover, they've also put out equal effort into making sure that they have time in jail are dead. I have often spoke about the little girl sitting in the backseat of the FBI trying to enroll in school in Little Rock Arkansas. The city was lined up with snarling hatred for this child. Why was this such a threat to these people? 

My latest belief from all the information that I have gathered with experience and research is time for the racists to submit to who they really are. According to my information, every human being and today's people have African DNA. It is from both the xx and  xy chromosomes.  I am ignorant on this subject, but as far as I think I believe this is male and female parents for all modern human beings. I have forgotten.  When I reflect on all of my life experiences in America, I have concluded one thing, there is a war going on against black people worldwide. There has never been any plans for anything that was ever written in the constitution to apply to African Americans Had The notion of old men created equal had been true, we all would have learned about our civil rights. White children never had to because they were allowed white privilege. They knew that there was protection to keep them out of jail, in the best schools, and grace with just because I said so rules. The racist code in America provides a system that whenever a policeman is called most of the time, they come with the attitude of taking the word of the white person. 

When you consider that there are only 40 million black Americans in this country, there is a lot to be proud of. Unlike what we are led to believe, consider this black people were there for the opposition to the apartheid, the fight for the Cubans, and protests against what was going on in Haiti. This was by no means a one-way street. There are few black cultures that came to the rescue of African Americans. I do not know the circumstances therefore I realize how many different directions that racism can take us all. I am proud of KIN-KIND in the diaspora. Our goal is to sit up an Enterprise within the continental Africa to cut out the middleman. We would like to export directly from Africa anywhere in the world. I am tired of seeing white privilege at the end of every commercial.

I could never express in words how much my blood boil when I think about all the things that African Americans have done for this country and that my money owed by the American government is going to fight a war in another country that has never set foot in America, paid tax, or fought for this government. America has the audacity to take a home that I work for, use the funds to help pay for the white privilege. I have no intentions of leaving any of my earnings in the country that has abused me from the day I was born.  The design hate was already in place waiting for me. When the branding iron hit my four parents, I am still feeling the pain. It took me years to look someone in the eyes because of  frivolous cruelty. I saw the same thing with many black people that I grew up with. Only the people who have experienced the pain understand. I always had a problem in America because I never learn how to laugh when things are not funny. The white privilege wants peace with their practice of cruelty.




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