crooked racist news media in America is an academy for teaching hate. America
never misses a chance to abuse power when it comes to minorities. Every time a
police is lately killed in this country, the media report it on the news for
days. Everyone who kill a police are either killed the same day or they are in jail awaiting the death penalty.
What is the message behind this behavior?
The desire for the xenophobies to punish the police killers is a none issue. This false impression that there need to be greater laws for the killing of police is the teaching of racism in America. Like on most jobs, including the military, when we think something is too dangerous for us, it is our duty to stay away from that particular hiring. The same thing should apply to police. If they are afraid of the job, don't take it. Otherwise, I see this as the desire for the xenophobes and sycophants to maintain the evil system of white privilege entitlements. Under these circumstances, the life of a policeman should not be no more important than the life of another human being. We often only hear about black people who are murdered
by police when someone happen to
catch it on camera. Are we supposed to believe that black people are always
present when a black person, or a minority is murdered? Do we pretend to think that the police, and
media are reporting all the black people who
are slaughtered in this country every day by police? Why is it seldom any news when a white
man is killed by a police? What does this mean? Does It means that the law is complicit
in the crime of murdering black people? Why are there white Africans arrested
and with guns in hands and they are not murdered? Are there many white Africans
who fear black people because of the psychological awareness of their
obsessive, bullying, and cowardice behavior?
The media subliminally promote the lie that the “Black lives matter” is a police hate group. I suggest to them that the real truth is that many police may be from hate groups against black people. Is it insulting and lies to pretend that we can saperate racism from the murder of black people? Are we supposed to believe that members of the white supremacy groups are not hired by the police? Where is there a more safe place for a racist who is sadistic and perverted to have the desire to kill a black person . He/she is paid and is protected by the American
xenophobias to satisfy sadistic behavior.
I believe that we're about to see something that we cannot hardly recognize. After 400 years of teaching everything that people with white skin say is true, It's going to be a hard habit to break. For some strange reason, the reciprocans of these benefits have certainly underestimated the world of people. I believe that there are a many of these people who will demonstrate blatant insanity. I hear so many black people laughing about how the white privilege uses mental health as a euphemism when describing a disturbing event from white people.
I believe that we're about to see something that we cannot hardly recognize. After 400 years of teaching everything that people with white skin say is true, It's going to be a hard habit to break. For some strange reason, the reciprocans of these benefits have certainly underestimated the world of people. I believe that there are a many of these people who will demonstrate blatant insanity. I hear so many black people laughing about how the white privilege uses mental health as a euphemism when describing a disturbing event from white people.
In their minds it seems as if trauma cannot be related to other people. It never occurred to them that it was possible. The good old girls and boys were laughing at them instead of with them. The logic might have been, live to fight another day... Why do we need to fight? Why do we need to kill? Why do we need to kill trees? Every tree that is killed should be restored with three more? Since we can only restore trees and cannot restore human beings Why murder people? Why is it so hard for us to think that kindness is impossible?
Why is it that we think that's the world did not supply enough resources for all of us. Believe me folks, I am aware that this logic is way out of place in today's world. Americans continue to talk to the people in this country as if we are all
insane. They pretend that the black people receive as much protection from the
police as white Africans. This false fantasy creates a lot of emotional problem. This kind of thinking make minds run from the mirror. Reality is, Americans A
America is racist to the bare bone. It has been a slaughterhouse for many people. I fear police
because I know they murder black people. This come from personal experience. There are five black men in my family who were murdered by police and none of them went to court. This is all a matter of record. My younger brother fought in the Vietnam war, came home and was shot to death, in the back, by police. Common sense. The only one conclusion, that he was running away from the police. This incident occurred in the Los Angeles riot. Did anyone investigate to see if he were committing a crime ? Would this have happen to a young white man? Of course not.
Meanwhile, American are now in the process. Protecting the ukrainians. Did they fight in American wars? Did they pay tax in this country? Were they ever held slaves in America?
This happened to be one of the subjects that I am tired of talking about and want to stay away from as much as possible. But right now I am so angry because of the things that this country is doing to me. You still my life. I find it traumatizing to think of how my civil rights have been violated and the lies that's presented to the world about democracy from America. I am ready to start a civil rights movement because I never want to leave the world in the condition that I was born in.
I was born in the middle of the depression and if you know the history of the bridges things that was done by politicians, it makes me nauseous. In spite of all of that, as I said my money from my books and other resources are going to support these kinds of occurrences. Man should never put greed before the life of other human beings. In the past we have been stupid enough to allow the three wealthiest organizations to only allow one half of 1% for the rest of us to divine. There are things that I forget to talk about because I know it will make me angry. To add insult injury, now Americans have the audacity to owed me money that is being divided within the white privilege system.
There is a paper trail to support this. It is all a matter of record. There are millions of things that I will start writing about and hope I can leave this subject behind. I love to debate, and I plan to keep up with the latest events. When I think about it, I think this is an oxymoron. I want to always be able to talk about current events in the world. There is nothing I would have loved more than to have debated the late Rush Limbaugh. Reality is, I am not as sharp as I once was. My short-term memory is going with time. It is not like my response would never return to points that is made, but by the time this happened my opponent would be home in bed.
This is why I fell in love with writing because it gives me a chance to think between words without interruption. I would need a pen and Pad. Under those kinds of circumstances in, I think I would be as good as anyone. Believe me, I can see a decline in my abilities to think. As I have said before, the debates in the 2024 election should be interesting at least. Young people are not as stupid as we think they are. This is their planet, and they know they better try to save it. I suspect that there will be young people running for many offices of the United States governments. I certainly do hope so,
My question to the world of people, is how many of you are ready to join a civil rights movement against white privilege slaughter of other human beings with our goal to save the planet for us
all? In addition, I would like to know why are we putting other countries welfare ahead of the taxpayers, homeless, helpless, veterans, and needy in this country? Shall we join a move ment? In solidarity for peace and better days.
Let us all debate this.
thing I have always noticed in America when there are debates is that for some reason the white privilege always think that they have to be the moderator. I remember before the '60s when I see someone traveling around the world with a pen, camera, pad, microphone, and recorder,
I knew that it was a case of the racist predator looking for prey. As quiet as it was kept, the white man spent much of his time in Africa learning from the Africans. They then would bring it back to America and pretend that whatever they learn came from the white man. This is how cultures have been stolen by the racist. There are so many hidden messages that the races used for over 400 years to keep the white privileges system in place. The technology that has been used in America, often it come from the youth P2P in Africa. Thanks too! Philip EmeghalIi from the continental of Africa, and internet highway. for the first time, the black news media can participate in information for the public. We now have a chance to counter any li e that we hear the races meter promote.
With my over 32 years of working with the American government, I have learned so much. It was all by accident, but it has been very useful. I will never forget the first call that I made to reverse mortgage concerning a matter that I thought I would get support. At that time I accepted. Anything that I was told because I did not know the extent of how far involved Americans are with maintaining the system of white supremacy, and white privilege. I now know that's a soul of everything concerning racism is with a goal of maintaining the continuation of slavery.
I have learned through my travel, that America does not want the people in this country to know the truth about africans' contributions to the world. An example of this is on one trip that I went on I was with all white people except me and a friend. Wherever we stopped if we had to use the bathroom, we had to squat to urinate. When she and I went along without the Americans and Europeans, I experienced gracious living. Much of what I now know is through my own experience. However, a great source of my knowledge is from the American news media. I now know that there is news for the poor, and night news for the middle class. The middle class have been lied to so much until now they have joined the poor. People now know that capitalism is for people who have capital. The news media does not convey this message.
is said by the media about the danger of being a police. We all have the choice
to stay away from jobs that are unsafe. Black people are murdered because of
the color of their skin, and they do not have the choice about their color. Keep
thinking that people around the world are not aware of this country of
organizing hate. America has taught hate
against black people for over five-hundred years and most people have learned
this lesson. However, when America ask
“Why do they hate us?” perhaps it is because no one like coward bullies. Now
the arrogant racists have the gall to pretend that they do not understand why
there is a need for black people to remind the people in this country, that
black lives also matter.
America is continuing the lessons of white supremacy with the teaching that the life of a police is more important than the life of a black person. Another black man was shot today in Florida, who was caring for an Artistic patient, while pleading with the officer that both hands are up. Americans are taught to close their eyes to the murder of black people. These murders have been accepted within this country for over five-hundered year. The killers can safety tell and lie when he wishes and the racist will protect the killers. We then have the nerve to concern ourselves with the murders outside of this country more than the killing of Americans with black skin.
We pretend to be people of character, morality, and integrity must have white skin. The
truth is that racism is so rampant in this country that the racists have no reason to think about it. They are not
aware that they are racist. America teaches racism and then stigmatize each
other for being racist. This is a tool that is used to have peace with the
continuation of bigotry. The bigots have such a fear of the truth that they are willing to lose all chance to face reality.
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