JANUARY 14, 2024
Hey Google. It does not matter, bHAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
I am glad 1923 is over. Thanks to different government agencies starting with HUD, I have been through holy hell. I have been denied my right to earn a living. Many of my internet followers know that I have been posting about the same problem for over 34 years. Thank goodness we have paper trails to back up every word that is writen. These words were not written by me. They came from the hands of the racists themselves.
My experience with zip code racism in America is so vast until I know all the tools and words that are used in order to keep white privilege in place. Let me name a few. The word race, the description of body parts, white privilege, capitalism, Illuminat...
I am thinking that the wealthiest people in the world has made a mistake with under paying the gatekeepers. I believe that they paid them just enough to get them angry. Is reality staring them in the face? As I have often said, I am home all day and I know what's going on around the world. I listen to the world news all day long. There are so many things that the American people don't want others to know. There is also too much to put in any books. Consequently, I am thinking that I will eventually allow people to you use the benefits from my son and my labor along with other investments I have made, to go to charity.
After having said that, I am living on a very fixed income. This is me what make me so angry when I think about how much this country owes me while my friends are going to fight wars in other countries. There should never be any human being, anywhere in the world, who are not allowed the freedom of shelter, mental growth, food, securit, a job, and much more. I believe that we all have the same goals in mind. We all want to be happy.
Unlike what we have been led to believe in the last 400 plus years, I don't believe that a good economy will cause inflation. When I think about this, I think about something funny, perhaps if American were not so racist, they would have probably gotten the greatest experts that the world would ever known. Find a welfare mother, such as I once was. Who should be the American economists? Anyone that have ever been on welfare, can tell you how to be an economist in order to survive in America. I bet you will never find a black female economist in America. what you betcha? In this case, colur matters, because this is where the zip code racism kicks in. We were taught that whatever happened to you unless you were able to pay from $200 to $400 an hour for an attorney than nothing can be done far you. This was a design catch 22 to make sure that all poor people were kept in place. It burns me up, to see how we then that anyone would have the audacity to be defending people in other countries with all these kinds of things going on in America. How many people around the world are where that there are only 40 million African Americans? I' found out today in research if you can believe anything that you read, that there are only 8% of black people who are millionaires. The rest of us are dirt poor.
In this country we are lead to believe that there is never a recourse to anything that the system of white privilege decided to do against us. These are the benefits from white privilege. The wealthy people know that no one is going to do anything about whatever happens if you're poor.
I never knew that there was an international court of justice. I now know that I was never supposed to think that there was a system that the American government had a need to adhere to. I have since been forced to learn words that was never intended for my ears. I now have a whole new vocabulary. I have become open to words such as civil rights, reciprocity, the 1%er, Illuminati... Thanks to HUD and the violations of my continuational and civil rights. I now understand the design of racism for the protection of white privilege worldwide. I now believe that America is a mother of white privileged racism. I am not dumb enough to makes such an accusation against the American government without evidence to back it up.
HUD has denied me funds from a line of credit that I invested in 1993 from an experimental bill coming from the late Clyde Pepper's and the Republicans. This bill was so lucrative then that it was later changed because it would cost the taxpayers too much money. I did some research the other day and found out that the late Russ Limbaugh was earning 75 million a year before his death.
In addition, he only wrote seven books in his lifetime. Contrast that to the experience that I am having as a black woman in this country. This man-made 75 million a year, and I'm having trouble getting $50,000 out of my line of credit account. That is knowledge that the money is there for me. To verify a design system of how white privilege, my legal aid attorney is paid with federal funds, admit that this money is earned and there for me. Her letter is posted on several different places on the internet. It basically explains the design structure of how racism works against black people in America.
This is why my plans are that my earnings left from all my works shall go to charities to make sure that there is never again anymore white privilege. Now here is the kicker, I talk about all of my earnings, what earnings? There are many entities in America's government who owe me money and have not given me one red dime. This is why I have put every piece of paper I have on the internet for the people to sort out the fraud that is involved with me simply because I have black skin. But I happen to have a reality that I think that few people have ever thought about. I want all of my works to go into the archive on the continent of Africa. I have been posting on Facebook for over 50 years. What? Most Americans don't realize is when the internet was originated in Africa. It all started through the system of remittance. How many Americans are aware of the many African youths? Are we arrogant and ignorant enough to think that those young people are going to stand back and see the same thing continue on the continent that occurs in America and Africa? Are the old racist men in America going to try to compete with young African men with viagra? Let's see how that turn out. President Biden has said there is a decline in white people. Perhaps he has a great point. Did he make the mistake with why not knowing that the immigrants that was brought in could not replace the black voters?
Again I ask, how many Americans have heard of P2P and the technology pubs in Africa. I could write millions of books about my experiences in this racist country. I have also often said, I want to do commentary. I know the more I read and write, the better I will become. My goal is to be a professional. I have learned that reading and writing is the best school for me. I am also a great fan of vocabulary. I think that every young child in America should learn Swahili. As much as America try to hide the fact that American needs Africa in order to survive economically.
One thing to the advantage of Americans, most people have been taught how to speak English. This gives racists a good advantage over all other people. Most people speak English. But unfortunately for them this is changing fast. There are many African American, on the African continent who are bloggers. Is it time for all of us, including anyone that's running for the office of the president, to join a system of solidarity for kindness to the people. It would be great if we donate our salaries as I plan to do to the cause. There are many things that need to be tweeted before my final decision, but I am speaking of where I am at this time. Today is January 11th 2024. I have learned the hard way to date everything that I do. I am glad I keep all papers that come in my home. Remember, I told you that I was more than eccentric. I am so thankful for that. I have never been a group thinker.
If I'm wrong in my following statements please correct me. I am thinking that the young people of the world are not about to stand back and see another 400 years of human destruction. Do you blame them? People in my generation have destroyed many lies behind greed and cruelty. I am thinking that it is not going to make one bit of difference about what president or party that's going to be in the White House in 2024. I believe the system of racist arrogance is is going to be very destructive for the American people. This is because people being angry and betrayed. I am one of the victims. Why was I removed from the loan that I sign in 1993? Why did my legal aid attorney say that I am a few that still have enough funds in my account for disbursement of funds? Why was I removed from the few?
Why did she then think it was right for her to create a false contract with me and the state of Georgia saying that I had borrowed money. These are the kinds of things that American white privilege can do to black people because they know that they often have no means of fighting back. I have often asked about the census records in America concerning black people . I wonder why is there such a study amount every 10 years with the census bureau, as if we are being killed on purpose. People have always been able to get away with whatever decision is made against black people because they knew we had nothing to fight back with.
This is why I ask anyone that's running for any office in America to consider the damage of white privilege. It is time for this evil to stop. We have one common thing. We need to try to save the planet. Those who control the decision making for the last 400 years, I believe have cause us things to fear. Please realize, that I am at the mercy of, however, this post is supposed to appear. Because of that fact, I will not dare take a chance on separating sentences from paragraphs. We all have seen the pettiness that can be involved in trying to post. Wish me good luck. Think about how many years it has been since I applied for a reverse mortgage investment.
There were 20,000 people who sign up at this time, (April the second 1993). I was lucky enough to be one of them. But for some reason the Legal Aid Attorney in Georgia remove me from the the contract that I sign. I realized that I am not on an attorney, consequently, all I could use was common sense. This common sense give me the ability to know if I bought a home and paid cash for it that the home belong to me. I also knew that I was a buyer and not a borrower.
The Legal Aid Attorney signed me to a debt with the state of Georgia. The inability to earn a living brings me back to the first day I contacted the justice department. I said that I did not want to get involved in politics at that time. I believe this statement have caused me many heartaches. I believe I open myself to awareness that I was not familiar with everything concerning reverse mortgage. The reason I felt that politics was something I did not want to deal with at that time was because I have spent so much time with people who become angry when others disagree with him. This experience caused me to drop all of my connections with as many people as possible. Unfortunately, one of my worst habits is being impatient. Perhaps society would rather call it attention deficit. That will work.
Since my home was paid for, I believe HUD took advantage of this. I am now forced to strategize with other news outlets. I contacted the justice department today. I did not get a chance to tell the lady that I talk to that my situation had changed from the time when I was refused at the beginning of my contract with legal aid. Get ready for this people, she hung up on me. I wanted to tell her the things had changed for me since the first time I talked to someone in the justice department about HUD aud possibly fraud. At that time I was told that they did not have enough staff members to handle individual cases. I understood this. My understanding is why I moved on to other issues. This turn out to be a mistake. Did telling them that I pay cash for my home cause my present problem? A few years later they removed me from that contract and created one especially for me.
Unfortunately I was too ignorant to understand technology enopugh to know that I was blogging both domestic and international. I do not use the word ignorant in a derogatory way. There are many things that I was not taught and I just don't know about.
I have decided to continue signing up with all the African news media in hope of having another civil rights movement such as we had in America. Since I am now fully aware of the whole operation of racism and white privilege, I am betting that the people of the world are going to reflect on the same kind of predator prey attitude from America that has effected their lives also.
I was born and raised in America. I grew up under the lessons that America taught me was almost parental. From the first day I sat foot in my school house, I realized that there was something missing that made me know that America is no friend of mine. For the last 32 years I have been tossed around in this system as if I am some kind of big joke. I am supposed to feel like a none person.
Today is January the 9th, the first thing I heard this morning was about two presidential candidates that's in the top running position. To paraphrase Mr.Trump's attitude toward the continent of Africa was that it is a******* . President Biden attitude is that America is Doom, Doom, Doom, not just because of black people but because of a decline in white Americans. Are these open racist statements?
Does it matter which party or person who is running for office in the 24 election? will this be the issue? Reality in America is that this country has known the condition that black people have lived in. Yet, we are in other countries making sure that people are not denied human rights. The big problem with this is if any black person who is lucky enough to have a job, they are helping by paying to keep these people safe who have never been to America. They have never been enslaved in America are paid taxes but because these Europeans happen to have white skin
When police are allowed to shoot young black men in the back while they are running, I now know that this is murder. Thanks to the many different experiences that I have had that they taught me that there has never been any intentions of freedom for blacks in the diaspora or on the continent of Africa. If anyone had seen the school that I went to they would understand how intense hate for black people are in America.
I wish people could have seen the school I went to. Meanwhile, the white children went to brick schools. If blacks were lucky enough to have a job, they paid tax for the white children while their kids was left out. As I recall, I started to school at the age of seven.
The first thing I noticed was a big slab of rock for a four-room shack that was our school. When I had a need to go to the bathroom, had there been buses, and if I had had the money I would have taken one to get to the bathroom. Why was there no toilet attached to the little shack? Even as a child, I knew that there was some kind of design evil that caused this situation. I grew up in a very small town, it was small enough for me to know the name of every white person that lives there.
I loved going to school. The black children who lived in the country never saw a bus. The first yellow bus that I saw was when I finished high school. I don't know the reason but we went on a trip. This is the only time I have ever been on a yellow school bus until I graduated from high school. I don't know what my principal did in order for him to talk the superintendent out of a school bus for us but evidently it worked for one day.
Over the years with my experiences in this country, I am now able to learn all these different situations and understand fully the design white privilege racism in this country. I now fully understand the different government entities are all connected to one system or racism. I now know that anything digital is there to make sure that the control over mind Indoctrination is for a reason? From the first day of posting on the internet, my goals were consistent with betterment for the world of the helpless with kindness.
As an African American, it is a matter of survival for me to understand many things that others don't have to think about. As I said before, in spite of me knowing all the names of white people, they never had to know I existed. This is how subtle the institution of entitlements provide for those with white skin.
Unfortunately, this caused a lot of arrogance and ignorance on the part of the racists. I believe it created a need that is used as a pacifier for self worth for many Europeans along with discomfort
I believe that this system of lies is out of control. I see each day. How angry that Americans are. Our leaders are talking about the Pell Grant reduction. I can assure you that this is too little too late. People in this country now need help financially. They're selling cars cheap, the pawn shops are doing big business. I am thinking that many of them feel as if they have been betrayed. They have been the gatekeepers for the wealthy and now they are suffering.
Did we forget how angry people were because of the Vietnam war? One thing for sure, I am very angry. I am an African American, anyone that has brain activities know how we have been treated in this country. I heard some statistic last night about the black woman. In particular, she is 50 times more likely to be abused than any other person in America. Why? As much as I love gracious living, I think I would be afraid to be the president of the United States in 2024. Incidentally , my gracious living can be found in the range of less than 100 acres. Remember, I am leaving everything that I have earned from the many books that I have written and investment. So music all to charity.
Now here is the kicker people. I speak of money that I have earned as if I have it. Thanks to all of these American fraudulent agencies each one of them have not given me one dime of the debt that is owed. This debt is including communal oil in Oklahoma. Believe me when I tell you there is much more. I would like for the whole world to see if this is the kind of democracy that we want on the universe. I never wanted to see another African child leave the continent to come to America thinking that he's going to improve his life. I never want another African anywhere in the world to not learn their basic language of Swahili
I never want to see a homeless person. I never want to see a helpless person in need. Consequently, I prefer kindness over religion.
America has taught us all to never speak out against religion. My question is who are these people that think that they have a right to dictate to us how we should think? Of course they want religion in place. What is the motive? Is it to keep racism and hate? We are so thoroughly indoctrinated by the 400 years of the evil control
of dictatorship. Is artificial intelligence technology another door that opens into more years of cruelty?
Are we aware that there were two white men who took paint brushes and gave us Jesus? I speak of Michelangelo and DaVinci. There are so many horrible things that happened to both good and bad people. I don't know why. I can assure you of one thing, If I had the power of a God, We would all be happy. I can also assure you that I would rather be free than to be bothered with this waste of my time.
Damn! When I reflect back on my childhood I was so happy. I could grab a fishing pole and walk all over the county until I found a fishing hole that looked good. I am so grateful for that.
But the sad thing is this, I have had to learn the hard way, when you are nice to people, they often take this as a weakness. I despise people like this. It never occurred to them that the person that they think that they're using is smart enough for them to need help from. It's hard to say that judge Judy and I have something in common. But this is one thing I sure share with her. I hate ingrates. I hate mercenaries.
Perhaps I am old and grouchy, but I sure am not as vulnerable as I once was as far as people are concerned. The only people that could probably use the heck out of me now are children and some of them I could spank. Believe me, the word spank is a euphemism. If I would say what I want to, I'm familiar with the news media. They would have a field day taking things out of context and making me the wicked witch of the West.
Let me divert for a moment and share something with you. Have you noticed that most white people say time out and I'm going to spank you. When I was coming up as a child the turn was, I'm going to whip or beat your ass. Why do you think that is true?
Let me divert again, I should someday be a darn good writer, because I love to talk to the paper. I don't have to listen at it saying things to me that is a waste of my time because I often know what most people are thinking before they speak. I have often been told that I should be a lawyer. No, that's not true. I don't like dictators. If we can't discuss and debate it, I don't need it. If you're right I can certainly say so. But the fact that someone's word is final, no. However, I do like the world,'s court that has a final word and it is binding. I am glad that racist American has to adhere to something. If they ever need allies, this is where reciprocity is needed. American had us all bullied. We were talking that whatever America said it was all the in We all have something we fear
After having said all of this, I am not divorced from the same indoctrinations as most. I have said I don't fear death but when I think about it, yes I do. Let me think I'm drowning and a tiger came by. I would certainly grab his tail. Or I would grab the leaf of a tree. This may be human nature I don't know. Meanwhile, I am still waiting to see a god out. Do kindness. I have noticed all my life how the races will find the preacher to talk to concerning matters of interest to his benefit. I believe that this is because he see this person as a good old boy or girl. Is this because the races one piece while he practice evil. Who do this? People think they are? How dare anyone to think there are important enough to have others do for them, but they don't want to do for themselves?
Meanwhile, let me get back to my most pressing problem. I need my money from the people who stole it from me. I must never allow the many government entities to be forgotten that owe me money for a home they stole from me.
Why is America indebted to me for a home I bought and pay cash for? I am paying insurance and HUD Is it benefactor. These are the kinds of things that make me angry . When the person happened to be a poor black, their chances of equality is less.
In addition, If you notice with most commercials that you see in this country that at the end of them, there is mostly a white person who's being paid. This is what make me angry. this mean that my line ofl credit from HUD is going to pay for the wars that keep white privileges in place? The legal aid attorney that I was forced to use, admits that HUD owes me funds from my home. I bought and paid cash for my home. I owe no one. I am a buyer, HUd call me a borrower. When you read the letter that was written by the legal aid attorney in Georgia, she is admitting that there is money owed to me. The question becomes why am I none receiving the money? I have proof that they lie and say that they contact me and they do not. That's why I put everything on the internet for the people to go through these papers. Although I'd miss. Is there a copies the answe
become crystal clear.
I am paying extra insurance to make sure that there is no loss to the servers that's hired by HUD. HUD is the benefactor of two insurances that I am paying for. These are the kinds of things that white privilege get away with through the system of racism against black Americans. There is a paper trail with all this information on the internet written by people who are committing the fraud against me. I now need my money that is owed for my home. My civil rights are being denied. There is much more fraud involved. Believe me people, we have some very pressing problems.
I believe it is time for us all to work together to try to save each other. Is it time for all of us including the presidential candidates to sign a civil rights movements for solidarity and kindness? Let's try and save the planet. There should never be another 400 years of white privilege cruelty. No one can ever be free as long as white privilege is in place. I am writing this information on my mobile phone. I cannot be sure of how it will be posted. I have been victimized many times of unnecessary mistakes in order to maintain the image of white supremacy. I see this as cowardice, pettiness, girly, and desperate. The big threat is exposure of truth. The system of racism exists on lies. This is time for me to stop writing.
Good night people! Hey, It's working again. I found a way to shut down talking from two different places. I simply turn off the mobile phone. I found nothing interesting enough to talk about. In a way that is good news.
One of my greatest concerns is in spite of everything. I am an American. Of course I wish this country the best. But I am tired of looking at. The difference is made between people behind the skin game. At this point in my life, I realize that I'm paying for this injustice. I have put all kinds of information on the internet to prove that the Americans are involved in design. Zip racism.
As I have said many times before, I am not dumb enough to make these kinds of accusation against spy technology as sophisticated as the American government have. I am aware that there are many ways to check everything I say. But I believe that the problem for America is t that we have become so arrogant that people of the world are tired of hearing anything concerning the word race.
I believe one of the worst mistakes as American people made is having the need boy denial as their pacifier. We show our hand when dismissing Africa as an important player in all situations. Let's be truthful. Reality is that the world need Africa, Africa do not need the world. It is time to sto the lies. Reality is that all of mankind mitochondria DNA that seem to have been mixed in the bowls of Africa. I am not smart enough to relate to a beginning from one entity. Please tell me if what I am saying is stupid. Perhaps I will then grow. Therefore, this is why I have always had a problem with the concept of one sort of beginning. Why have I always believed that life started with air. I can relate to the concept that air was always there. To me there was no beginning. I am too ignorant to understand that. I wish someone would explain it to me. My existence at this time is 100% pro boner. Thanks to HUD I cannot hire an expert. Did I spell that right?