Democracy in America is a bad joke. It is a waste of time to talk to racist Americans. The 400 years of teaching white supremacy causes the belief of lies that we are taught. This is in conflict with reality and causes insanity. Perhalps this is why the COVIN-19 death rate was so high in this country. Africans had the answers that America ignored. The designed lessons teach us believed that white privilege and lies will solve all problems. COVIN-19 does not adhere to white privilege. UP MEMBERS:
I am thinkin that perhalps my followers, and their followers are thinking alike. The experience of racism for me is like living in a killing field. There is no escape for African Americans when the walls are surrounded by the designer's death camp. Follow the paper trail of the racist and learn about ("The Devils' Punch Bowl") The PILT DOWN HOAX This is a small sample of exposing the cruelty of the racist. "What is this evil-doing to children"? Within the live time of children, they are entitled to the same freedom in this country as white children have always had... All matters of live should be protected any kind of brutality. The world is is here here for mankind, not one kind of man. kindof be removed from the evil system of hate and destruction. It is time to create a better environment for mental health for all people. The solution is to keep the racist out of our space. They only come for two things, to kill and steal. The first thing The racist want is total peace while committing sadistic perverted acts against Africans. Truth must be exposed.
It is time to use all resources to expose 400 years of cruelty against black people by the racist American terrorists. The time is here for the world to stop pacifying the insanity of the racist. The reality is that it is the white man who created, implemented, and benefited from the hateful demonic system of racism. For those who have trouble with understanding the level of racism in America, they are suffering from the absence of the necessary emotional component of empathy. This can explain why I often hear many racists who are able to pretend that there is no racism in America. This is proof of insanity.
It is time to insist that we are in a place of guaranteed safety. As impossible as this sound at this time, stand by and watch this country implode. Racism will start losing power. If leaving America is forced on victims of racism, we are leaving the country that we occupied before the white man decided to lie, steal, and claim as personal property. There are many records that support this fact.
There is no skin color that has anything to do with evil behavior. We are aware that there is no reason to implement the race lie. There is no evidence to support the false word race. There is no evidence that has ever or ever will support black people hanging because we don't like their color. The white man started racism and the onus is on him to stop it. It is time to stop talking to race liars, it is now time to talk about them. We are dealing with mass insanity used to destroy the fear of equality. We are held back so the racist can catch up. we must know this America is declining and there is no concern with the people dying for the sake of the white privilege gain.
The goal is not to promote a lie that all people in America are evil. but we must recognize that there is a problem with white people remained silent with this evil against black people for over four-hundred years. We cannot address all evil but expose all the truth and reality of the heartless racist that can be proven. We realize that there a need to shelter our youth from the harsh racist abuse as much as possible. The goal of this shelter is to protect black children and their minds from the negative and subliminal message that they are forced to live with each second of each day. This evil is designed by the system to maintain the enslavement of others to protect the socialized white privilege welfare. -----
This evil teaching is to destroy the self extreme of all who are without white skin and living in the diaspora of racist America. This white privilege narration of information affects children from all cultures. This system of indoctrination is so thorough that it causes children from all cultures without white skin to have an identity problem. This is such an extreme penetration with the destruction of self-worth that we highly recommend this useful in the home of all ethnic groups who value their cultures'
The goal of this program for us is to understand the hate from the racist. We are aware that the hater will self implode. We are aware that the fake word "race" is without any biological foundation. We are aware that we are not a race of people, but all modern men are Homo sapiens with African mitochondria DNA and the Y-chromosome.
we know that this is the kind of knowledge that the American racist does not teach in the school or want black people to learn. We know that the white supremacist is ready to commit any demonic act that promotes the lie of the white supremacist lies. Our program is designed to start correcting the, and all knowledge to a black baby before birth. Our goal is to create an environment where it is fun to learn, where learning is subliminal.
HUNDREDS OF REASON TO SHELTER BLACK CHILDREN. I am an eighty-seven-year black female with unique knowledge and personal experience with the cruelty of the white man and savage barbaric behavior. I have enough experience with racism to know that the American racist is the world's greatest liars and it is a waste of time to talk to liars and deniers. This is a pursuit in mind regression and I like to grow. Consequently, I prefer to talk about racism rather than to talk to insulting arrogant liars.
The core of this program is to teach black children that skin has nothing to do with good or bad behavior. Our children need to know why the white privilege has the need to lie on the black man. They should learn that knowledge of self-pride is the source of fear that the coward racist uses that cause the need to stop black people from the equal competition with white people.
A very useful component of this program is to isolate our people from a death squad and the designed mind destruction. If we can get voluntary from health care workers there can soon be a culture safe enough for us to grow in peace. We shall never forget the camera and modern te, technology that allows us the chance to talk back. Children should learn the contributions that our innovators have brought to America. Our children seldom know that black people are the first in the Americus, statues of the Olmec supports this truth. We must change our environment to save ourselves. We must fill our homes with positive information. Let's bring this information to our churches.
It is time for people to stop marching and to use the safe and only weapon that the white privilege fears. These germs want peace and silence with their cruelty. They fear exposure from their extreme demonic brutality and terror against the world? This germ wants peace with racism. Destroy the ability that has been used for them to narrate lies to support the indoctrination that they are the "good guys". Never use the weapon your enemy select and do not fear. CORVIN-19 exposure is killing the protesters,.Fight with truth and exposure, Black babies have been used for Alligator baits while racist American did nothing. Truth and reality provide many weapons.
We will build another Black Wallstreet and live in the white neighborhoods where there will not be another bomb dropped. Americans who are ignorant enough to say what we need to do, we have done it. Ask the racist why does he need to destroy the progress of black people?
Racism starts in America from the welfare office, food banks, and ends at the cemetery. The zipcodes are used to disburse fresh food to white communities and dated food to black neighborhoods, and then there is white privilege.
Trump germ is a typical American racist. These people have made a living with lying. The racist thinks that they can say anything and are believed by the world. Like Trump, they are arrogant, ignorant, and insulting. Trump insults black Americans by saying that Kaepernick was un-patriotic. His arrogance insinuated African Americans when sarcastically said that blacks are treated the same as others. In his destroyed mind, this might be true. This could be from the teaching of white supremacy and black
I am so proud of black people. I am especially proud of young black people. I am 87 years of age and I grow and learn so much from them. I once was foolish enough to think that growth is only from experience. This is not true. I well understand the fear of equality from the white racist .for black people
When the truth is in conflict with reality it causes insanity. Americans live at a level of denial where there is no possibility for sanity. The problem is their fear and cowardice with facing the people that they insist on using lies on to project from reality. This is the behavior of a typical racist liar. Trump is an American typical racist liar. His insanity is close to starting a killing field for black people who he fears most. I despise any country like racist American cowards where people are taught to believe that the murdering of Africans is a none issue. I despise any country that is insulting enough to think that they can forever continue to ignore the police murdering squads for killing black people.
The creators of the word race with the goal to promote social welfare for parasitic white people fear nothing more than the threat of the loss of the enslavement and control of other humans. This need is so great until they are missing the force of determination from their victims who are warning no more. Arrogance and ignorance cause the racist to continue the road to implode.
Anyone who is aware of the history of racisms
American socialist white privilege lust for self-validation and the thirst for human identity caused the European inmates from the jails and insane cells to betray the people they found in America wI think about the lack of empathy and how evil the racist is to humankind. I saw a picture of a black child being targeted by a vulture waiting for the child to die. The germ who took the picture protected the poise of death instead of saving the child. This is a look into the heartlessness of a white privilege germ. What kind of demons are we trying to live with?
Sponsoredho accepted them and help them survive in this country. Their tools of terror are lies and murder. Millions of people were slaughtered for kindness. This insane behavior caused these barbarian to pretend superiority.