greatest hope that we will all join together and solidarity against cruelty we must all work together to try and save the planet
Monday, December 25, 2023
There are so many questions that I would love to have an answer to. I wish I could understand why wild geese flyi south in the winter time in such an organized formation? Why does the swallows always come back to capistrala? What causes a tadpole to turn into a frog? If we had been allowed for us all to combine our brain power Is it possible that we might have the answer to life and death? This is why I am so against organizations controlling brain power. What bothers me even more is how we are going to allow the same kind of ignorance a chance to continue this cruelty. It is such a waste time of time to spend on pettiness and ignorance my

Happy New years everyone.
I am thinking that I should start this volume off with a light-hearted note. I hope I am not bringing the property value down but I do like freedom of expression. I am thinking that most neighborhoods have a busy body in their mist. The world's on fire and this person is worried about a statue of a devil coming out of ground. Perhaps the best bet is to put that pin down and start running. When I reflected on this it was funny to me, but true. I was told that my yard look like a cemetery. Perhaps I should rename my post. I warned everyone about me and technology. Oh well!
I have known all my life that the greatest gift that was given to me at birth was my love for people. I have learned so much, in so many different kinds of places. Any of my followers who had read my posts, both domestically and international, have heard me repeat my favorite statement. My mind is as open as all outside. I have written many times about my love for writing and why. My experience with people is that most of the time when you are talking to them you have to listen to things that you already know. It is different with writing. You can save so much time and don't have to have people angry because you don't agree with that point of view.
I cringe every time I hear those of us who think that we are talking
to chattel or children when we feel that we should define the experience of
racism for black people. I believe that the system of white privilege has caused many Americans to be traumatized and emotionally damaged. Unlike what we have been told to believe, I don't think that skin color is the issue. I am slowly but surely beginning to realize that it did me a lot of harm. I have a very unique experience in America about racism. I am now old. I often reflect back on incidents that occurred that I never thought about it at the time.
There are things that became understandable after I had started traveling outside of the United States. I have heard many American who are blacks say that they have their first enlightenment in Africa. Perhaps believe I was so much in denial until I couldn't wait I to get to the continent. Consequently, My reaction in Jamaica was just happiness and being away from racist America.
Evidently I was so psychologically damaged that I could not wait to get to Africa. I have often heard many people explaining to African Americans about who is racist. These people only know how to be racist.
They know nothing about the suffering from racism. The root experience of the
victims of racism comes from the front of a branding iorn or the end of a rope. In my case, even though it often subliminal, the pain is always there.
I could spend ninety more years, writing thousands more books, losing billions more dollars. Nothing could ever replace the damage of white privilege racism against me. My 34 years of experience has taught me that I have never been free. When I reflect on the many young black men and women who are incarcerated just because it
happened to have black skin I am traumatized.
Furthermore, there is nothing that can be said from the benefactors of racism that qualify them to know
the damage of this evil. Americans are very content in knowing that young black men are often placed in jail for crimes that they did not commit. They all can serve more time than others. Many young black people have died while shot in the back or running from police. African Americans are arrested many times more for doing the same thing when while white people are never charged.
Nevertheless, a common belief in this country by many is that there should be more policemen on the street. People in this country except the fact that the Police are allowed military equipment. Yet, often, our elected officials are totally divorced from knowledge or empathy concerning this matter.
I believe that Hillary Clinton is a good example of this. She pretend that she can relate to the problems of the mothers of murdered children with her facial expressions and hot sauce in her purse. I am sure that many young people are not aware of this. The sad part is that I am thinking that the minds of the people in this
country are so damaged that the victims believe her lies.
She has been in
government for over thirty years and she thinks that the big problems in
America is gender. What about racism, equality, and justice? Why is her family in HaitI? Remember, even as a young woman she was a Governor Goldwater supporter?
Think about what Bill Clinton did in Rwanda with the Tutsies. He then had the audacity to apologize for all after these people were murdered. First, he made sure that all the white people had gotten out of Africa. I have never known
the Americans to have equality and justice for black people as a part of their platform for President. The white Africans believe that the abuse of others can be a source of
This has been proven through-out history with the people who refer to themselves as Caucasians. This history was written by them. We should never forget the brutal arenas in Rome. What kind of people would enjoy seeing other humans tortured? From Calicula, to Julius Caesar, this was a source for fun.
Americans have an ongoing war against black people and it destroys the minds of many of us. One thing for sure, I know what it did that harms me. There is nothing that make me more angry than how far this country will go to make sure that young black children are not educated. The only relief that I have ever gotten from this anger was to call white people every name I could think
of. This was very therapeutic for me. This name calling had nothing to do with hate that I was aware of.
White children and I played together many times all day long. When I think about it now it is funny. I believe that this system is harmful to us all. We are often taught to be group thinkers. Many of us only know to
do what we are told .
An, ok therexample of this is that people who are
sleeping under bridges are ready to vote with the billionaires. Most of us have
lost our ability to think. We are taught to follow and ask no questions.
stigmatized those who dare to think and ask questions. We are asked to apologize
when disagring with the logic of others. I refuse to give away my mind and
brain power.
I ask questions, and I would rather know than to believe. I do not think that I should accept religion without questions. I hope that I know what I think I know. I am forced to accept the insults, but I will continue
trying to fight injustice. What give any group of people the right to make decisions for the rest of us? When this is allowed it's leaving the door open for cruelty instead of kindness.
I have often told this story. I am the victim of a design attempt for ignorance. I do not look at the word ignorance as derogatory, in my world it means not knowing. I am always glad to see when I don't know something. I believe this should help me grow.
I have often told this story. I am the victim of a design attempt for ignorance. I do not look at the word ignorance as derogatory, in my world it means not knowing. I am always glad to see when I don't know something. I believe this should help me grow.
I have no sympathy for the xenophobes that control America. My greatest problem with this is that I am paying to prevent justice fot the poor, middle class, and helpless. This is totally against my moral code. Anytime I am shopping and paying tax from whatever I purchase the resources from this all goes in one direction. I have often noticed that most advertisements comes from people with white skin. This is the level where money is made. I believe this speaks to the fact that this is the workings of white privilege. There are no other people becoming wealthy behind advertising. It is much easier to get license to do business in this country if you happen to have white skin.
During my life as an entrepreneur., I have had to use white people in order to apply for a license that I had been denied. Further. In spite of all the losses that I have suffered because I'll blatant to racism and the denial of my constitutional and civil rights, There are lots of things that I can thank HUD for. This government entity has taught me full understanding of how racism has been implemented and maintained through the system of white privilege.
From the first day that I went to the attorney general to file against HUD I did not have enough understanding to realize what was happening to me. The only thing I had to rely on was common sense. I knew I had bought a home paid cash for it while HUD It's a benefactor. My question to them is why did they remove me from the contract that I signed. I believe that this is a matter for the American people to decide. The only option that I have in order for me to receive money that is owed to me to me is for me to share my experiences on the internet.
Perhaps my logic sounds bizarre but my experience speaks otherwise. Also, it only takes common sense to know things are simple as when I buy a home and pay cash for it that no one else has a right to benefit from anything that belonged to me. Why am I paying for insurance to two different companies who wrote thanking me for my business while HUD is the benefactor of those two insurance companies? I am so tired of shuffling papers that I just dumped enough. Everything's on the computer for people to do the same thing I had to do bring it together.
From the first day that I went to HUD to file a complaint against what I believe has turned out to be racial discrimination, since then every time I look at all the different papers I continue to learn.
As I said before, my vocabulary now include words such as reciprocity, world court, binding rules, Illuminati, and much more. I am becoming more literate with computer technology. Thanks to HUD.
Further, I am aware of how much my civil rights have been violated. I have been denied the right to earn a living, because HUD refuses to give me funds from my reverse mortgage investment. As I have often said, this is a battle that has been going on for over 32 years. Once I learned how the contract is supposed to work, I was aware of what HUD is doing.
If I am right in my analogy of what is happening in my case, It is like HUD is saying that anytime a signature is found by someone that own a home HUD would have the right to call them a borrower and then claim themselves as a seller to own the property. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Consequently, because of my thinking, I feel that I am forced to place many of the documents on the internet from the contracts that have crossed my path in dealing with reverse mortgage. Remember, I have over 107 pages in my contract with HUD and without one signature. The only signature is in these documents are the sellers and myself. At that time I am a purchaser. Meanwhile, I believe it best to let the people decide which of us is right. I am thinking that this is a part of zip code racism. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
In addition, I believe it is time for the people in this country and around the world to sign up for solidarity against white privilege. How can there ever be equality as long as white privilege is in place? This is a 33-year-old question that I have been asking while I am still waiting for an answer.
Therefore, those who disagree with this philosophy should ask themselves, why are they so in love with cruelty? I have noticed that white privilege is so rampant that it never occurs to the racist the possibility of this causing chaotic behavior from many Americans. Think about all the crazy behavior that's of occurring in this country at the time.
I think people of this country are in a big trouble when they expect their victim to be as ignorant as we wish. There is a problem in America that has been denied, but is used as a pacifier to avoid reality. Reality is real. The world needs Africa, Africa does not need the world. This is a truth that causes everyone to run from people who are not chasing them. There is no time in known history where Africans have started world wars.
There is nothing more frightening to Americans than to realize that Africa might be a world leader someday. We are taught that Russia and China are a great threat to the world while making sure that the word Africa is not mentioned. Are people forgetting the internet? There are many news outlets around the world that are owned by black people. America is the tree that is waiting to fall. The same route that is traveled to get to the top is the same path down. Unfortunately, in my case, I was too illiterate in technology to realize I was
Are we ignoring the many countries around the world who are against ignorance? Is America in trouble because of past behavior, and arrogance? Have we presented ourselves as predators who are always looking for prey? Are we havimg a hard time telling the truth? Is truth the greatest threat to white privilege? Truth and reality is a great threat to the racist lies
There is a history, written by the racists. I believe that the he system of white privilege is exposed. Are the people in this country aware that Africans are asking Americans to use American dollars on the continent of Africa? I think that' a great idea. It is associated with the same thing that is going on in Ukraine and most European countries. The racists are fighting hard to maintain white privilege.
I now believe from my experience that most of our behavior is targeted toward a system to continue racism and white privilege. Since we have identified our problem. I believe it is time for us to join in solidarity against the slaughter of mankind and make sure that we never have this heartache again.
Basically, if you translate that attitude, I believe we are hearing the African saying that we plan to treat you as you have treated us. If I know black people as well as I think I do I would say that Africans worldwide are ready for a civil rights movement against the system of white privilege.
I stay aware of the latest news. The leaders in America always disassociate Africans from anything that might suggest they should be involved in the discussion between China and Russia. Africans are the owners of some of everything that's needed anywhere in the world. This is a reality that cannot be avoided. Racism is practice in many ways in America. I have been victimized in so many ways and there is a paper trail to support this.
The other day I was going through a lot of my old clippings of writings from the past and I cannot wait to get from under all of these papers to better understand the excuse that HUD is makeing for not disbursing me funds from my home. There's also a need to explain how did I become a borrower in the first place? I have posted on the internet information of how my investment is supposed to work. It is earning up to 12 and a half percent of compound interest. These people owe me money as far back as American online. Is zip code racism the problem? is the amount of money that is spent on protecting white privilege the problem? There is insurance available that is split between me and the loan service to make sure If there is no loss to HUD. I am the only one paying for this insurance but they are the only benefactors.
Contrast my experience with the amount of money that of the late Russ Limbaugh. Before his death, he was was earning 72 million dollars a year. The difference in he and I is that I have been blogging and writing books for over 33 years. Is this a psychological response to racism in America. Depending on what account you believe He is responsible for the Religious Right. He had to be very repetitious in order to acrew an audience as large as the Religious Right. I become very angry when I think about how in spite of all the things that black people worldwide have done for the betterment of the world that is totally ignored. I see so much happening on the news each day that I would love to comment on but I must restrain from this. I am still paying the racist to keep white privilege and cruelty in place.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I never heard of Russ Limbaugh having websites and blogging. I believe like with most things in America, if you follow the paper trail, you'll find that these are white privilege rewards. Perhaps we all have heard of zip code racism.
This is the most neatest trick that the racists have designed to keep this cruelty in place. Why would anyone need my address in order for me to get help? I have lots of evidence between my brothers and I of how everything concerning racism comes right back to the doorstep of intentions. America never plan for black people in this country to leave the system of enslavement. One would have to be totally insane or helpless to not have ever heard of zip code cruelty. If you can process information, follow the paper trail that was written by the white privilege.
Regardless as to how things turn out as far as my goals are concerned I am very happy with the possibilities. My goals are to leave everything that I have as far as my earnings to the continent of Africa. This include the earnings from all the books an investment in music that I have earned for the last pass years that HUD and their 6 loan service are earning money from. Meanwhile, I will continue to join other black news organizations with a gold just help save the democracy for the world. This decision is based on the history of Europeans and Africa. I am thinking that never again will anyone be able to steal the history from the continent of Africa. Remember the burning of the books in Timbuktu, the University where Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle receive their education? Remember what Heroditis said about Africa?
There is no history in Africa with killing arenas, world wars, and branding babies. There was once no jails on the continent before the arrival of the racist killers. I am hoping for a system where we all have equal input into developing the world for the betterment of mankind. The world is here for men not just one kind of man. Happy New years everyone. I am thankful to know that the rulings in the world courts are binding. I believe that it is time for us all to try and save the universe. Perhaps, had we all been treated equally we might would have the answer. Who knows we might have the answer to life and death?
Saturday, December 23, 2023
I have often reflected on how concerned that most people are with everyone having food and shelter during the holidays. Perhaps this is why I am not religious. I think tthe main goal that we all strive for is happinesses. Reality is that I can only speak for myself. I believe that my heart and head plays a great role in my personality. I have never been a group thinker, although I listen to what other people say and learn. When I learn how to write professionally I will be ready to share my personality to the world. Until then, I am repeating something I once read that a psychologist or psychiatrist said (You can experience my behavior, but you cannot experience my experience). I think this quotation came from someone named Burns. But I always thought it was so profound. I believe that there are many people who think the same way that I do. The problem is somehow everyday kindness get lost. Until then, I believe we all wish mankind
a Merry Life. I am voting for solidarity for kindness around the world.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Why are we spending so much money in Ukrine while peoplei in Ameica are hungry? Does it always come back to racism and greed?
I have been very consistent in all my writings that my goal is for the betterment of humankind. I then ask the question, why is it so hard for the people in this country to sign up for solidarity, against hunger among the least among us? As much as I would like to say that I am free from beneath the pile of papers that I have a need to find myself, I am not. I hope that I continues to keep every documents that is mail to my house concerning busines. I am a victim of racism in this country. Consequently, I have divided evidence among my family, friends, and followers. Everything that I have ever written, there's a paper trail to support my messages. I have noticed that the older I get the more cautious I am about things. I was both careless and lucky when I was young. I would walk with my purse open sometime, not anymore. I believe the time will make people like me realize that things do happen. Here's an example of something that made me the way I am. I once had a friend to go to Africa and he was killed while he was there. A tree fell on him.
That has been a great lesson to me in life. What if he had had another sip of coffee before walking out his door? Perhaps he was still be alive?. man should have the freedom of livelihood, the right to education, and free speech. However, the people of the United States have been taught to be so visual that we bought into the skin game.
This has destroyed the minds of the people of this country. We I are all taugh the smart white skin lie for over 400 years. This evil is in place to preserve the white privilege. How can we have freedom as long as brutality is in place, I have asked this question for many years of my life. I have hope that someone will correct me and tell me I'm wrong. No human being should have to sit in jail in America simply because he has black skin. Unfortunately, this is truth. People in this country worry more about what's going on in other parts of the world while ignoring things under our nose. I despise cruelty. My greatest hope for myself is to continue to know that I'm not absolutely anything. I would like to think that I have an open mind for things that I've never experienced, there is a lack of empathy that causes us all a need to look in the mirror. I see most of us as sycophants.There is also a lot of xenophobia in this country. The problem I'm having is I'm paying for this insanity. People often ask is racism getting better. Reality is, there is no better evil.
There are many different things that we as Americans do not like to talk about. Denial is a necessity for the weak. It serves as an a pacifier for liars. At some level, I believe most of us will resort to denial when it fits our needs. Lately I hear a lot of talk about Russia and China being a threat to America, guess what? Africa is very much important to this conversation. May I correct myself? Africa should be a part of this conversation. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think that things are going to really change as far as racism. People are suffering too much to care. anything about the skin game. Since it is obvious that our leaders don't know what's going on, I don't think it's really going to matter what party or president is elected in the 2024 election. I don't think I would take that job if it was given to me. I think it would be dangerous. These young people are not going to stand by and see their world destroyed behind some greedy old people. Do you blame them? I don't. I feel the same way they do. I believe that they're tired. As I saId, I do a lot of research. I have lately found exactly how important it is to this country to not educate the people. No one has a question that in America. especially if you're black. You must know what's going on around you in order to survive.
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