There is a sadistic, perverted character that is often found within the hearts of many people within this country. This is the truth that keeps hate in place. American people ane threaten that they will be exposed for who we are.
Why is it necessary to divide the human family by pretending that skin tone saperate us into different races? Why do we pretend that there are “races” of people who are without a biological foundation? Why would Americans design policies to destroy the minds of others while denying equal education? Why do white Africans think that they are entitled to a parasitic welfare that is provided from free labor from other humans? There is indisputable knowledge that America teaches racism. Evidence supports the fact that the people in America are cowards, bullies, evil, criminals, bigots, hypocritical, liars, barbarians, savages, and are always ready to increase the level of cruelty to abuse power..
To be considered...