Wednesday, October 9, 2024


..."Im doing premeditated
 and what I found is that I'm trying to be a good person ...I want to be apart of universal kindness...While at the same time identifying deception. Universally... Now I realize I'm nothing more than a fly in a spider's I ask you Facebook...Who does God favor...the spider or the fly?...LOL at my theatrics...The answer has vibration and frequency."

I often find myself bewildered because of strange things going on in today's world. Perhaps it's my age. Perhaps it's because of the level of indoctrination that I lived as a young person. I don't think people have gotten more evil. Although, we are supposed to believe this. The only difference I see is that now communication is more available for us all. We now can hear the truth from both sides. I think one big problem today is that people cannot stand reality. An example of this is how the news media ignore things that are happening on the continent of Africa, as if there is no Africa. For the first time I now understand the importance of white privilege to many people around the world. We have been involved in a level of ignorance that's unbelievable. There is little concern and empathy for other human beings. 

Why did the American people allow sugar in honey? Did I once read that sugar is poison? Is this the cost of capitalism? Are we this evil?   It is hard now days to know what's truth or fiction.  Consequently, the older I get the less I trust anything. Perhaps if it's because after a life with racism in America, I now combine everything together. There has been so many different twists and turns with my exprences lately until I can hardly believe it myself. By accident I now understand things that I never thought of before. In spite of everything, growing up as a child, I believed myself to be very loved and I certainly well protected. I often think of the fact that I never heard anyone in my entire life speak anything about love. When I now reflect on this, I believe it was a carry-over from slavery. I am thinking that there are many African Americans who grew up in homes where love was not mentioned. Perhaps because of this reality, I never had any doubt with me knowing that I was very much love by the people I grew up with. This was my reality and I don't think I wanted it no other way. This was freedom for me. I have learned that if you are poor enough you understand that there are things more important than words. As a black person it was very hard for the bread earners to find work. My family always lived on the farm. I was very mis-educated. I now know that it was all by the white supremacist design. In spite of this fact I finish high School and have graduated from college, worked, and 
retired in the field of psychology. I am thankful that I'm not as vulnerable as I once was in trusting strangers. I was strictly a country person. When I think back I believe I would have been dead had I moved to a city. I was so naive and I had a bad habit of jumping in cars with strangers. Let me change that, these people were not strangers because of the town size. This still does not remove the fact that old habits are hard to break. When I think about it, the friend that I met when I arrived in San Francisco was born and raised there. My friend Margaret and I would both go out with only a dime on each of us. I suppose this is what my young friends are telling me when they say things have changed. Yet, I'm not so sure of in what respect. One good thing I love when I compare then and now.
The only other difference I see in those times and today is that the political scene want us to have a different message. They want us to think that there's danger where there is none. The goal is to keep us all ignorant in order to control our minds. I grew up during the time the internet was not available. Fortunately now, the white privilege people have lost control over the microphone. I am thinking that this is going to cause a lot of changes with the white privilege entitlements. Unlike what we have always been taught, the white privilege are not the majority.  I see it as a political move and I will not bother going into it at this time, but at this point of my life I have connected a lot. It is too much to try and convey here. Like many people, I believe what I was taught. There was no reason for me to have known any better because of the environment that I lived in all my life. When I hear  young people tell me that things are different, I agree. However, I would find  is so hard now days to know what's truth or fiction. Consequently, the older I get the less I trust anything. I also think that this comes with age. Is it because of a combining everything together? There has been so many different twists and turns in my life lately until I can hardly believe it myself. By accident I now understand things that I never thought of before. I was thinking about something that was funny to me the other day. I remember as a child how we would always refer to punishment as a "whipping" the white privilege people would often talk about a spanking, or time out. Could the two different  references be because of the enslavement of black people in this country? I am influenced by a lot of things by design. I was very mis-educated. In spite of this fact I finish high School and graduated from college. I  worked, and retired in the field of psychology. I am thankful that I'm not as vulnerable as I once was. I certainly do not find myself as trusting with strangers. I know that this is because of old age and insecurity. Strangely enough it has worked out 100% from me to believe this. When I was young I would walk down the street with my purse open and no one ever took a penny from me. Thank goodness up to this point, no one still has ever robbed me in the streets. I was strictly a country person. When I think back I believe I would have been dead had I moved to a city. I was so trusting.  I would not change my roots for anything in the world Let me change something that I wrote earlier. Margret was born in Los Angeles. I miss her so much. She is the only woman that I knew who I could talk politics with.
Thank you guys!



Saturday, October 5, 2024


I am sorry that the British king have died. I am also sorry about the many African leaders who have died under the European's rule. The world is built for mankind, not just one kind of man.

Sunday, September 29, 2024 Legal Aid Dear Ms. Smith,This letter is to confirm the assistance with and I have provided your case to confirm that your file will be closing in 2 weeks, if you do not decide to follow the resolution I have obtained for you. As you know, you contacted our office concerning the funds that should be available for you to draw on your reverse mortgage. You are one of a few reverse mortgage homeowners who have had their loan for such a long time and have not yet exhausted the available line of credit funds. However, because the balance of of your loan has grown more more than anticipated at the time the loan was originated, the loan balance is now far more than the amount originally listed in the security deed. Accordingly, HUD, as the owner of the loan has refused to allow you to draw any additional funds.I research the terms of the loan, which anticipate it this type of event and the solution. under the loan agreement, you sign, when the balance of the long gross be greater than the amount and the security listed, the lender, (here HUD) can require you (as a Borrower) to sign an extension agreement to increase the amount listed in the security instrument. The purpose of this is to ensure that HUD (as a lender) maintains a security interests in the property against additional advances of funds on your line of credit. Because this is an unusual circumstance that has not been dealt with before. I had to do a lot of advocacy with HUD, and prepare an extension agreement on your behalf to submit to HUD as a solution contemplated by your loan agreement. ( I have never had a loan with HUD or no other lender.) I paid cash for my home. "I discuss with you the solution I was proposing and my efforts on your behalf". Hud finally agreed and signed the extension agreement. However, when I met with you to review and sign the agreement, and in falling up conversation, since then, you have indicated that you are not willing to sign this agreement as we have discussed, the reverse mortgage contract contemplated the signing of this agreement, and you refuse to do so means that HUD will be justified in continuing to refuse to make any additional advancements on your line of credit. Am I being told that Hud has the privilege to use extartion to force me into illegally be someone who I am not???. I am not a "Borrower" I am a Buyer" ("I urge you to cooperate with signing this agreement, as you promise to do so when you sign the first mortgage." (The first "MORTAGE" that I signed had nothing to do with HU XThe extension agreement does not change anything else about the terms of the loan, other than your ability to again make drawers request on your available credit line. The extension agreement only concerns that the reverse mortgage on the property will continue to grow to be more than the amount of 157,500 as the original listed. I chose a new maximum amount of $450,000 as a high number to allow for continuous new growth. And your loan balance and your additional draws on your credit line, and order to give you a long plenty of room to grow so you don't run into this issue again. Signing this extension agreement does not change the balance of the loan. I sincerely believe that signing the extension agreementis in your best interest, and would not recommend that you sign it otherwise as we have discussed, your refusal to sign this extension agreement (which you promise to cooperate in doing when you sign the original reverse mortgage document) will undermine any future claim you might want to raise against HUD in this matter. If you make any further complaints, HUD will only respond that they provided you the extension agreement as required by the contract, that you refuse to sign and breach of your promise to do so, and that they are not required to disburse any additional funds to you due to your refusal to corporate. In our last conversation, you and I discuss all of these points, but you still said that you would not sign the extension agreement as a matter of principal. I urge you to reconsider; so that you can draw the remaining funds that should be available to you on the loan. I will keep your case open for two more weeks, until October, the 8th, 2021, and the hopes that you might change your mind. If you have not agreed by tat date to move forward with signing the agreement, then there will be nothing further for me to do on your behalf and I will be closing your file. Once your file is closed the document and information will remain on file for a period of 7 years, after which time they will be destroyed. this is gist of my very complex case.

Has anyone ever heard of a public building, with public documents, with a department that allows exemptions because it's convenient? Am I paying tax 
that a federal government admits that is owed to me to support a war that I am against? Why?

Racism is rampant all across America but Georgia is in a unique category. Beforehand my husband retired, he was an airman in communications. Consequently, we lived in many places in America. We have been denied places for rent and much more simply because of skin color. 

I was shocked one morning when the police knocked on my door in Glenns Ferry Idaho to apologize for a cross being burned in my front yard. The officer and I both were very polite to each other. I was so naive about racial politics until it never occurred to me that there was anything related to this possibility. It took me over 81 years to really start noticing racism. It was so subliminal in my hometown. I reflected on it while living in California. Please believe me, California is also racist. Ask anyone that lived in San Francisco about the Cowboys.  This is the name of the policemen in San Francisco. Racism is evil. In my lifetime , I have often
heard American people ask if racism has gotten better. There is no better evil. It is like the root word reparation. Trillions of people  have died under this evil system. They can never be repaired. How can you repair dead people?
Reality is, that there are billions of people who have died because of white privilege. As a blogger for a 33 years, I have done a lot of research, in many different areas. I have learned a lot from people in my own experience. I now understand that we are all unique because of our experiences and abilities to process information. The good part is that our differences could have been very rewarding to us all had we had equal chances with participation in the growth of the world. In many cases in America, black Americans targeted for destruction.

We all know the story of how drugs was brought into the state of California to disperse among young black people. Yet the American government paint a picture of the fantasy with white skin. We have been taught this lie I'm smart white skin for over 400 years. This is why I have always said that I rather not be around liars. I can write trillions of books, and waste the rest of my life on dealing with liars.  When my first book was published I was so embarrassed because I made many mistakes. My education was so poorly until I could not write a sentence. In spite of this reality, I was allowed to graduate from high school with the equivalents of a third grade education.  However, I have a great love for writting. I have talked about this love in many different postings  and books that I have written over the years. But now I'm tired of everything. Sometime I feel like resting.  I would love to live on approximately 100 acres of land with a lot of fishing ponds and wait for death, I am grateful that I had such a beautiful childhood and I have always been happy. Thanks to such wonderful parents. To make a point of how little concern the racists had with the welfare of black children getting a good education, I have done substitute teaching in my hometown. The highest grade I have on my report card is a c. Here is another example of how the white privilege take advantage of mis-educating black people, my family lived on property with communal oil. When I call about this I was told that I didn't qualify. Now who would have been the benefactor of my family members share of gain?  This is an example of how many different ways that the white privilege system is allowed to make money from African Americans. When we are forced to live on a level of survival there's no time to address many different problems coming from white privilege. What I now know is my experiences with different entities within the government is that everything is designed to make sure that there's a  hold on growth within black communities. I have experienced the design that runs throughout the system of people who are poor. What make me most angry is how we embrace a stupid idea that the world leaders such as the Illuminati, the Trilateral commission, and the 1%ters are allowed to control 1/2 of 1% are the world's economy? Have we forgotten the occupy of Wall Street? Are we thinking that the people of the world are going to stand by and see this evil continue with white privilege? I don't think so. There are so many things going on in the world that many people don't know about. Unfortunately, when all of this unfold I ask how will the racists in America be able to accept it? The many economist that I have listened to all seem to be in agreement with one thing. America is in a financial crisis. Are we aware of  what's happening in Africa concerning the control over oil?  Are we aware of the Africans are creating a army to defend the continent? Are we aware that many people around the world are seeking help from China and Russia? Do we know the  that Africans on the Conient are taking about collapsing the dollar? Would this effect the Europeans? Is  American's big bluff over? Have America and the West lost control of the microphone?  How many different nations are going to remember what Americans did in their cultures? Are they going to remember the many predator and prey conditions that this country created against other cultures? There are trillions of questions that could be answered by this country. I am forced to deal with a pressing problem concerning the United States and the debt that they owe me. My main concern is how Americans stood by and allowed HUD to remove all possibilities of democracy regarding my civil rights. Meanwhile, there are always defending White privilege.  I believe my own personal experience is typical of the Zip code laws that are 
design to discriminate against the poor. There was no consideration or empathy for me. Was this blatant racism? After 33 years of waiting for funds that belong to me I would think so. I have been forced to live on the level of survival for all these years. Why? Is it zip code racism? Why was I removed from contract that I signed when I first applied for an investment with HUD?  Why did a member of the United States government be allowed to remove me from a contract and place me in a position to lose revenue? I pay cash for my home. This makes me Buyer (HUD) was allowed to call me a Borrower. Why was I singled out from the group of people that I originally signed with and given a false debt with the State of Georgia?  Where is there a contract that I signed all right check that I have been paid. According to my contract I am supposed to be allowed the maximum principal in my account. If for some reason I exceed the maximum principle, as long as there's $50 in my account, I would then need to wait until it's growing up for me to draw against my funds. I have never exceeded the principal. Consequently, I should always have money to draw on.  HUD removed me from the first experimental as an investment with 107 pages without any signatures? Why is there no check available for me where HUD purchase my home? Did the American Government allow the use of white privileges for HUD? Why do my monthly statement from HUD Continue to have a balance after 33 years? Who did I borrow from? I have all my monthly statement with all the different loan service that HUD has hired. I had no loan. Meanwhile, at the top of each monthly statement it says this is not a bill. However, There is always a blance where I am suppose to owe a debt after 33 years. HUD could not produce one piece of evidence where I received one dime from them.  Remember, I paid cash for my home and I have never exceeded my principal limit. The contract that I signed with HUD grows at the rate of 12% with compound interest. Yet, there is always a bance at the bottom of the page. I never get credit for compound interest of 12% of growth. This has been going on for over 33 years. Is this white privilege? Is this racist zip code practice? Is the money that is owed me going to fight wars overseas that I don't agree with to Protect white privilege?  Am I now being asked to vote for a presidential candidate based on parties Instead of policies? I recently noticed something else is very interesting. In many cases, Georgia is using directions to floor within the building that has nothing to do with a notarized seal.
 notarized by the state oh Georgia that the seal was only there to send me to a floor where what I  was ask to do could have been extortion. "If I don't sign the new document, I cannot get my money". Is this extortion? I realize I am not an attorney but I do have brain activity.
I heard something in the news today where there are many cases where government department heads are not notified about what's going on beneath them. I wrote the secretary of HUD as far back at the beginning of her administration. I received a do not reply letter from someone named Shaniqua Williams. I soon realize that Ms.Fudge did not received my letter of congratulations for her appointment. I also mention that I was having problems with HUD. 

I called the justice department over 33 years ago. I was complaining against what I was thinking to be racist zip code behavior because of the many cases that I knew about at the time that were victimized by zip code numbers. Are we supposed to believe that zip code has nothing to do with where people live. My reason for trying to contact the justice department was because I was complaining that I was removed from the original contract that I signed with HUD in 1993. I also called because I had different circumstances and wanted to add this information to my old case. I have said many times, I never got a chance to state my reason for calling because the lady hung up on me when I gave her my case number. Remember, I have only talked to the justice department three times in 33 years. I have walked through fire trying to avoid getting involved in politics before the 2024 election. I think 33 years is long enough. I am angry now because of some of the things that I believe my money is going to that I disagree with.

I have been a Democrat all my life. My family members are also democratic. However, from my bad experience with racism in this country, I am no longer interested in parties. I am only interested in policies. My questions to the American people is why have there been so many years where black people work and build this country but are the first to be denied employment? Did American forget that there was a system of enslavement in this country?

There are trillions of questions. I would like to ask the American government about the violation of human rights against black people. I watched a commercial today where Joe Biden popped in on it. The people were telling senior citizens to sign up for thousands of dollars care packages. His face popped in and out. My question is are my tax dollars going to pay for his re-election?  This applies to all candidates holding public office. There was a statement that saw in my research that said we have spent over 1.9 trillion dollars on fighting wars. How many did we win? I'
 not good at math but from what that implied in the subliminal message was that there's I promise we're there is going to be a hell of a big stimulus check coming  for the poor and middle class people.  Joe Biden has said over and over that he is a capitalist. I am only speaking for myself. I realized that I must have capital in order to be a benefactor of capitalism. Thanks to HUD they have depleted my revenue.

When you are a black American, the system of white privilege allow an entitlement of doing whatever you want to against black people. I now know that this design is in place to protect white privilege. I once thought that my situation was unique. Now I know I was wrong. I believe that there are many people who are living on the level of survival so much that they don't have time to try and fight these kinds of issues. From my own personal experiences  I believe that I am among the few my age who love writing as much as I do. Consequently I have five websites. My posting go back as far as American online. Thank goodness for the internet that my postings were going world wide. At the time I was too ignored about technology to understand this. Whenever I got a mood to build a new wealth site, I would put it up. 

 I suppose because of my age I was so unaware of modern technology that I was blogging for many years without knowing what I was doing. I was thinking I was writing many books. We lately open up an old computer and found 33 years of writing books. I am thinking about the money that can be made from the sale of these books to prevent hunger worldwide. I would like to concentrate on education for the world of people. Then you so ignorance for the last 400 years has been used to control and destroy many people.  Each day I involved myself on the internet I likely to learn something. I love this. It's certainly makes me grow. Have often talked about my poor educational background. Unfortunately it was not just me. It was black youth throughout America. This is especially true if you happen to live in a small town such as i did, 
I am guilty of always doing a lot of reflecting. I have a bad habit of becoming bored real fast. But this does not stop me venting about passed 
and present events. I have a hard time understanding why the American people work so hard to mis-educated black children. I can never forget  the face of the little girl sitting in the back seat of the car with the FBI and how sad she looked. I also shall never forget how many white people showed up and the looks on their snarling faces that show a threat with a black child going to school. Reality is that skin has nothing to do with anything except protection our body parts.  I was once foolish enough to write that I did not believe in artificial intelligence. I now know that this is the mother tool for the maintenance of white privilege racism.

Look closely at the three different pictures at the top of the page and you will see that this is enough evidence to proved beyond the shadow of doubt who the criminals in America really are. In their own words it is found in these papers and book, the needed information to prove that there has always been a war against black people around the world orchestrated by the Americans and Europeans. Why?  Is this a book or a blog? Who cares? I'm going to post it anyway so the world can have a record on the internet. Maybe it will stop an African youth from thinking that they should come to America. Maybe it would allow inmates to have funds when they are released from prison like white people have. My wish is for every black child worldwide to learn from this book about how racism work. Thank goodness It is now on the continent of Africa. I    Realize that black people have a very low percentage of crime in comparison to white criminals. Black people have never started world wars, branding babies, or hunging people for being white. 

With the first book I wrote I realized how much I love writing, I have always known that Africans are the majority. I have never had no interest in targeting the Europeans and the West. I am thinking that America is the mother of racism. African Americans spin more than 40 billion a year in this country. There is an organization in Georgia called Buy Black. Perhaps the American blacks should trade with the people on the continent directly. I am in the process of joining every podcast that's owned by blacks depending on the services and purpose. I noticed most of the older bloggers starts at about $5 a month. The one I saw in Africa was $9.99.

Saturday, September 28, 2024


Legal Aid

Dear Ms. Smith,
This letter is to confirm the assistance and advice I have provided in your case, and to confirm that your file will be closing in two weeks, if you do not decide to follow the resolution I have obtained for you. As you know, you contacted our office concerning the funds that should be available for you to draw on your reverse mortgage. You are one of a few reverse mortgage homeowners who have had their loan for such a long time and have not yet exhausted the available line of credit funds. However, because the balance of of your loan has growing more than anticipated at the time the loan was originated, the loan balance is now far more than the amount originally listed in the security deed. Accordingly, HUD, as the owner of the loan has refused to allow you to draw any additional funds.

I research the terms of the loan, which anticipate  this type of event and the solution. Under the loan agreement, you sign, when the balance of the long gross be greater than the amount and the security listed, the lender, ,(here HUD) can require you (as a Borrower) to sign an extension agreement to increase the amount listed in the security instrument. The purpose of this is to ensure that HUD (as a lender) maintains a security interests in the property against additional advances of funds on your line of credit.

Because this is an unusual circumstance that has not been dealt with before. I had to do a lot of
advocacy with HUD, and prepare an extension agreement on your behalf to submit to HUD as a solution contemplated by your loan agreement. I discuss with you the solution I was proposing and my efforts on your behalf. Hud finally agreed and signed the extension agreement. However, when I met with you to review and sign the agreement, and in falling up conversation, since then, you have indicated that you are not willing to sign this agreement.

As we have discussed, come the reverse mortgage contract contemplated the signing of this agreement, and you refuse to do so means that HUD will be justified in continuing to refuse to make any additional advancements on your line of credit. Credit. I urge you to cooperate with signing this agreement, as you promise to do so when you sign the first mortgage. The extension agreement does not change anything else about the terms of the loan, other than your ability to again make drawers request on your available credit line. The extension agreement only concerns that the reverse mortgage on the property will continue to grow to be more than the amount of 157,500 as the original listed. I chose a new maximum amount of $450,000 as a high number to allow for continuous new growth. Are your loan balance and your additional draws on your credit line, in order to give you a loan plenty of room to grow so you don't run into this issue again. Signing this extension agreement does not change the balance of the loan. I sincerely believe that signing the extension agreement is in your best interest, and would not recommend that you sign it otherwise.


As we have discussed, your refused to sign this extension agreement (which you promise to  cooperate in doing when you sign the original reverse mortgage document) will undermine any future claim you might want to raise against HUD in this matter. If you make any further complaints, HUD will only respond that they provided you the extension agreement as required by the contract, that you refuse to sign and breach of your promise to do so, and that they are not required to disburse any additional funds to you due to your refusal to corporate. 

In our last conversation, you and I discuss all of these points, but you still said that you would not sign the extension agreement. As a matter of principal. I urge you to reconsider; so that you can draw the remaining funds that should be available to you on the loan. I will keep your case open for two more weeks, until October, the 8th, 2021, and the hopes that you might change your mind. If you have not agreed by that date to move forward with signing the agreement, then there will be nothing further for me to do on your behalf and I will be closing your file once your file is closed. The document and information will remain on file for a period of 7 years, after which time they will be destroyed to protect your privacy. If you have any questions you would like do to discuss father You are welcome to contact me. 

Rachel Scott